It took a little while since she was the only one actually TRYING to think of a way to defend herself. But, after a fee seconds, she managed to find a system of small pipes meant to carry water. On the very end, one was hanging at an angle, dripping water drops every now and then. Ryuko hopped off of the wall and grabbed the pipe. She hung off of it in a chin-up style before she began to throw her weight downward. She managed to bend the pipe enough to touch the ground. From there, another yank broke the rusted pipe from the system. While one end was smooth, the 25 inch pipe ended in a jagged, rusted point. She was careful with the item and carried it jagged edge down. The noise of the pipe was horrible shortly before it snapped. Hymn's hero complex was really starting to tick her off. Rather than give any pertinent information like she asked, all the little bitch could seem to say was "Go!" or "Run". "Where are we going to run to, you fucking idiot? You're standing in the damn door and can't seem to do much but either bitch or utter baseless orders. If you aren't going to be useful, or at least give us an idea of what the hell is going on, do me a favor and throw yourself at the damn thing." she shoved past him harshly so she could get an idea of the situation herself. "When you find your balls and come up with a plan that doesn't involve suicide, let me know." She's seen the thing move and its current actions on a girl she HADN'T known was there--thanks Hymn--she only growled. "Thanks for the heads up that there was someone else out there, by the way."