[center][img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/lost_naveen_andrews_sayid_jarrah_dvdbash_2002_zps4014c31e.jpg[/img] [b]:.Born As.:[/b] Isam Hajjar [b]:.Appear To Be.:[/b] Thirty-five [b]:.The Doctor Said.:[/b] Male [b]:.I Swing Towards.:[/b] Women [b]:.A Glorious Gift.:[/b] -He's a born leader: brave, loyal, good at making tough decisions. -He's a formidable fighter, having proved his proficiency in battle several times. -A tinkerer. He's good at making and fixing various objects. [b]:.The Proud.:[/b] Usually the guy people come to when they need dirty work done. He's not exactly proud of that. [b]:.People Say.:[/b] When Isam began his journey to the Paradise Land, he was a good man. He had pure intentions: getting these people, strangers as they may be, to the safe haven and hopefully living a peaceful life there. But the journey proved harder than he could have imagined. At out the all the people of his group, Isam was the one that became the understood leader. He had to call the shots, and they weren't all pretty. The long, hard road to the safe haven was paved with blood, sweat, and tears. Isam did things he wasn't proud of, thing that he would likely never forget. Once he reached the haven, he was spent. Isam was done being a leader, done being everyone's personal bodyguard, and done being a killer. All he wanted was time to unwind and get his head on straight. He suffered anxiety and paranoia, and the nightmares kept him up most nights. And despite his efforts to escape the violence, he was still the one people came to when they needed someone gone. When someone came to the haven with foul intent, or when someone got infected with the mysterious living dead illness. It seemed that Isam could never escape what he was: a killer. To most people, Isam is a quiet and respectful man. He's calm, reserved, and mostly seen as the serious type. Can occasionally be seen practicing dry humor. [b]:.What You See.:[/b] Isam is 5'6" and muscular. His hair is black, curly, and shoulder length. It was often unbrushed and unruly, sometimes worn back in a ponytail. He often sported facial hair. His skin is a medium brown, and his eye are dark brown. Isam's body bare extensive scarring, most of it from his years of travel. His fashion choices are hardly that; Isam is a utilitarian by nature. He wears army pants, earth tone t-shirts and tank tops, and combat boots almost every day of his life. [img]http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss64/FiestaSiesta/isam2_zps5a60dac4.jpg[/img] [b]:.The Past Was.:[/b] Isam was born in Afghanistan. His country was a rough place to live. Cities were in shambles, kids were getting legs blown off by old land mines, the land was arid and infertile, people were struggling in poverty...To be honest, not much changed. He grew up with very little family, most of them having died of illness or starvation. Isam learned from a young age what death and loss was, and after a while, he grew comfortable with it. People died all the time; it was just a thing that happened. When he was 24, he heard about a group of people getting a ship ready to travel to the supposed Paradise Land. He honestly didn't have very high expectations, but it couldn't be any worse then where he was, right? While on the ship, it as discovered that he was the only guy in the group who could speak English, having learned it from his neighbors, who were of American descent. Isam was nominated the leader, seeing as most of the people on the Paradise land where likely English speakers. That's when things went downhill for the poor man. The ship took four months to reach America. During that time, several of the passengers went mad with cabin fever. As the food supply began to dwindle, people started going at each other's throats, accusing each other of stealing and hoarding food. Isam had to keep his cool to sort the mess out. When one man finally lost his mind and started threatening the other passenger's lives, Isam was the one who had to kill him. People slowly died off of starvation and disease, and Isam was the one who dumped the bodies into the sea, to keep the other passengers from cannibalizing them. By the time the ship landed, it wreaked of death. Isam couldn't get off the damn thing fast enough. They had started out with 97 people, and now they only had 63. They landed in eastern Canada, their ship having moved a few hundred miles off course. The people weren't prepared for the cold, and many froze to death. By the time they crossed the boarders into the United States, they were down to 41. The caravan was attacked by thieves several times, and each time, Isam led his best fighters against them. Many of their attackers weren't all men; women and children were among them. Isam was the one who had to decide if they should keep the wives and children of the men they had murdered, and risk them seeking revenge, or to leave them to die. Usually, the choice wasn't one that left his conscience clean. Over the years that it took them to travel to the Paradise lands on foot, the group was attacked by undead, raiders, and traitors. When one of them got infected, Isam usually had to kill them. When they took a raider captive, Isam was usually the one to pry information out of him. When their supplies ran low, Isam made the call to raid [i]other[/i] survivor's camps, just to keep his own people alive. By the time they finally reached the safe haven there were only 20 of them left. Isam was left with scars on his body and mind, and it may be years before they heal.[/center]