Lothar sat on his throne as the travel worn Sentinel was escorted into the throne room. The Sentinel kneeled before his lord in a sign of reverence and said "You summoned me, my Lord?" Lothar replied "Stand. This is not the time for such pleasantries." He then continued as the Sentinel rose "I read your report, but letters on words only convey so much. Tell me exactly what it is that you saw in the Crownlands." The Sentinel replied "My men and I escorted the relief caravan as you order my Lord. We came upon a disheartening sight. There were many wounded... bleeding, painfully to their deaths and painting the snow red. The charred remains of homes were evident... as many displaced and homeless were left to the mercy of nature. I-I... I think I stepped on a frozen body at one point." The Sentinel took a second to himself as he continued to recall what he saw. "Those who we managed to help praised us as if we were the Apostles themselves. However, word soon spread of our aid, and more desperate people came. We were simply overwhelmed, and had too little to help everyone who needed the help. In the end, we were forced to return with an army of hungry children chasing us. It was shocking how the people were left to die." Lothar remained silent and eventually closed his eyes. He gave an exaggerated exhale through his mouth. Then he finally opened his eyes. Lothar sternly said "Mr. Coyle." Lothar's steward, who had been standing off to the side, walked before Lothar and said "My Lord?" Lothar then said "How do our coffers look?" Mr. Coyle responded "They aren't bursting my lord due to our recent expenditures. I must caution against excessive spending, my Lord." Lothar replied "Folly, William. A lord is responsible for his people, and there should be nigh nothing that the Lord is willing to do for his people. Except Rone has proven himself to be someone that I can not respect as a man, much less as a sovereign. His derelict of duty and responsibility led to the death of thousands of his loyal vassals and subjects. Therefore, I can not sit still knowing that people are starving to death due to the negligence of their lord." Mr. Coyle responded "What is it that you desire to do, my Lord?" Lothar replied "I want you to oversee the construction of new homes. If the people of Falkwreath Country have been abandoned by their lord, then I shall take up the duty." Mr. Coyle replied "But, my Lord, would this not be seen as an affront to the Crownlands?" Lothar replied "The day that Rone finally becomes a man and takes action for this... I will be more than glad to bear the consequences for it will mean that Lundland will finally have direction and hopefully fortune like the reign of Aella. But for now, I refuse to allow these people to suffer." Lothar then turned his attention back to the Sentinel "Send word to the Sergeant in Arms. He is to take 100 Sentinels, and supplies south to the border of Falkwreath Country. I hereby open our borders to allow any refugees or unfortunate soul to permanently relocate to Attolia. Thus, you and your men, under the command of Mr. Peterson, will escort these people back to Attolia." Sentinel replied "As you command, my Lord." with a bow and then began to walk away. Lothar then said "Mr. Coyle, I trust that you will do your best given the financial constraints." Mr. Coyle replied "I will do what I can, my lord." as he then also left to begin his new task. Lothar was then approached by Nast, his adviser and Court Jester. Nast was a personal friend of his father, and former steward. However, his advancing age made him less willing and capable of performing physical tasks or going on long trips. Thus, he resigned and stayed as an adviser. Nast bluntly said "Although it is quite sad that people are dying in such a manner, I must say that blood and bodies serve as great fertilizer for next year's crops." Lothar looked at Nast. Lothar wasn't one for grim humor, but his jokes always had some sense in them. He replied "Indeed, but what is fertile soil worth when there is no one left to till the field?" Nast shrugged and said "Someone else can always come along and claim the field for himself." Lothar took note of Nast's comment and said "Taking a dead man's land, huh. I suppose some people are not as... discerning as others." Nast replied "Rather, some people are not wasteful enough to let good land go to waste." Lothar found himself unable to respond, and simply nodded in response.