The raven circled lazily about the city, falling and raising on the morning air. The sun was just beginning to raise, the air was already warm. The day would prove to become quite hot. The raven hovered above the gates of the city, it circled down closer and closer to the tops of the wall. Suddenly, it gave two strong flaps of its wings to gain some air. Than the bird did something quite strange. It wrapped its wings about its body and exploded in a burst of feathers. However, on closer inspection the feathers began to multiply and grow in mass. They began to take a life of their own, expanding and forming a second form. Once they became a certain size, somebody began to emerge from the mass. A young woman slowly descended from the cloud of feathers, the mass slowly forming together and following after her. It drifted down towards her, forming the familiar cape she had worn for many years now. Landing gracefully atop the wall, Ravenia gazed out towards the Red Waste that covered the area out beyond her city. Casting a glance backwards, she eyes the slow moving river that traveled strongly across the land. This was their water supply, carefully purified of all filth to keep her people from being sick. Ravenia pushed her waist length hair back over her shoulder and looked along the tops of the walls that surrounded the Paradise City. She saw the Blessed Ones that stood at the ready, keeping their attention sharp. The Leader of the Paradise Land stretched her arms high above her head, breathing in the warm air that blew past her, pulling at her cape and long hair. Ravenia was tall, standing about 6 foot or so, and she was lean. However, her body showed obvious signs of her hard life. Underneath the extensive art that covered her body, there were the ghosted lines of scars that had slowly faded over time. Looking down towards the gates, Ravenia couldn't help but wonder where her Gate Keeper was. He was normally out and about this time of day. She knew how much he enjoyed the rising sun. Holding onto one of the grappling lines her Warriors used to get up and down the wall, Ravenia leaned back off and began to scale down the side of the wall. She moved quickly, having done this hundreds upon hundreds of times since she was a little girl. The first time she had ever climbed up the wall without any aide, she thought she was going to pee herself. However, her father stood at the top, yelling for her to push through the fear. She smiled warmly at the thought of her late father. Touching ground, Ravenia wiped her cape back over her shoulder and brushed her long hair from her eyes. For some reason, she felt in her bones that this was going to be a very eventful day.