It was odd entering Eos for the first time. It was blatantly obvious to Scourge that humans hated aliens. From the moment he entered the docks, he was welcomed with scornful looks and distasteful comments about his appearance. How unusual, he felt the same way about them. Scourge stood seven feet tall with a body as thick as a Turian's. It took him two weeks of malnutrition to get to the size that he was in, the Jedi council wouldn't allow him to set foot on Mars unless he'd make himself look more [i]appealing[/i]. He felt disgusting. So scrawny, so week, so puny, all for the sake of appealing to these narrow minded humans. [i]Wast of time.[/i] Scourge thought to himself. [i]I will find nothing of value here.[/i] Scourge walked the streets of the city slums, praying that something interesting would appear. As though on queue, a little boy sprinted past him with a dozen guards following behind him. "we've got that Conduit scum this time!" Scourge looked over to see the boy ahead, he was small and flimsy, as breakable as a toothpick. [i]A conduit? On Mars?[/i] No wonder they're chasing him, the poor boy probably doesn't even know what they'll do to him. After looking towards where the boy was running, the boy creates an ice ladder and tricks the guards into climbing it. Scourge could hear the boy say, [i]"wow...that was too easy."[/i] Scourge smiled deviously under his mask. It seemed he'd finally found something interesting. He didn't notice Dogma watching next to him. "Incredible!" Dogma says. She's such a naive Volus. "Were those Jedi powers? When can I learn to do that?" Scourge shook his head. "No, he's what humans call 'Conduit.' They're mutated humans that have powers over ice, fire, electricity, or telekenisis. On Earth, they're very common. On Mars, they're considered dangerous." Scourge had done plenty of research before coming to Mars. Although he was confident that his force training could surpass any conduit, he was still impressed after seeing the boy. "Let's go find him, Dogma. If he's running around Mars free, he's an enemy of the state. Perhaps we can send him to an Orphanage through Earth's System's Alliance." Dogma nodded, hiding her smile underneath her mask. XXX Dogma couldn't hold in her excitement for much longer. Her, a Volus, with Jedi powers, about to meet a Conduit! She walked across the streets of the rundown buildings downtown of Eos. It was smelly and the people looked malnourished compared to the peoples near the White House. [i]Must be normal[/i] Dogma thought to herself. Following the boy's trail, Dogma couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful architecture that she had seen earlier. Magnificent building meant strictly to impress people, skyscrapers that can watch over the entire planet, police cars the size of tanks patrolling the streets. This alien world amazed her in every way. Eventually, after a few hours of walking, she finally finds the boy that was running away earlier, sitting down and watching t.v. in a rundown shack building off the edge of the street. She knocked on the flimsy door, "Hello?" She asked.