Tamer Name: Orion Age: 17 [hider=Appearance][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/Orion_zps007b462a.jpg][/hider] Personality: Orion is an academic and serious most of the time. He offers help to others but it can come off as if he is telling them that they are incompetent. He is quick to let them know that he os sorry though if he knows that he is making someone uncomfortable. Partnered to: Candlemon Backstory: Orion was a normal kid and was entering his junior year of high school. He often thought about what he would do after school and dreamed of working for an intelligence agency. He was good with computers and had even won a few awards. Other: Digimon Name/Species: Candlemon Personality: Candlemon is almost the opposite of Orion. He is a jokester and tries to get along with everyone. He is there to light the path for Orion to become a better person. When he digivolves to wizardmon he becomes more serious because he knows it is time to fight. [hider=Evolution Line][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/evolutionline_zps1066dbe0.jpg][/hider] Fresh: [hider=Mokumon][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/Mokumon_zps20836f79.jpg][/hider] In-Training: [hider=DemiMeramon][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/DemiMeramon_zpsdb28b458.jpg][/hider] Rookie: [hider=Candlemon][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/candlemon_zps1c4ce6b3.jpg][/hider] Champion: [hider=Wizardmon][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/wizardmon_zps82b0a8a6.jpg][/hider] Ultimate: [hider=Mistymon][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/Mistymon_zps06fea313.jpg][/hider] Mega: [hider=Dynasmon][img=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f9/cody_horton1/Dynasmon_zpsb12ce343.jpg][/hider] Powers/Abilities Fresh: Smoke Blow-- Scatters the smoke issuing from its body all around, then seizes the opportunity to escape when the opponent loses sight of it In-Training: Fireball-- Shoots fire from its hands, burning its opponents Flame Shot-- Fires a small ball of flame from its mouth Rookie: Lava Loogie-- Fires a small flame from his DigiCore fire energy that explode if hits Paraffin Paralyzer-- Fires multiple globs of hot wax to paralyze opponent Champion: Electro Squall--Summons a thunder cloud which unleashes an intense lightning strike. Magical Game--Demonstrates the breadth of its magical knowledge, from offensive abilities to invisibility and illusions. Thunder Ball--Releases a ball of energy with varying effects, from explosive energy to memory erasure. Vision of Terror--Exploits the target's fears with terrifying visions. Ultimate Mega: Dragon's Roar--Fires energy shots from the palms of its hands, with all the attributes of the Ten Legendary Warriors. Dragon Breath--Transforms its body's energy into an aura of a gigantic wyvern. Other: Pretty much done. The only thing that I havent done is the ultimate powers but I figure that I have some time to think on that lol