Arik sighed and shook his head while Colorado and Virginia went back and forth, almost relieved that Virginia ended up walking away. Of course, Colorado [i]had[/i] to lock the doors just to spite her. Scuffing his boot against the floor, Arik adjusted his position against the wall behind him as Colorado offered a bet and asked if he should blast the heat. Georgia stood and placed a bet on himself, for what exactly, Arik was unsure, but when he spotted the M392 Designated Marksman Rifle, he knew he wanted no part in it. When it came to guns, Arik was only proficient at nigh point blank ranges, otherwise he was liable to miss almost all of his shots. While his ego told him to try and challenge Georgia anyway, Arik knew that hurting his pride would be worse than not participating. "You shouldn't be messing around with ship functions you know, Colorado. One of these days the Director is gonna get fed up with your shit and throw you out the airlock. Mark my words." Expecting some sort of retaliation from the man, Arik disabled all wireless functions of his suit, making sure Colorado would have no point of access no matter how hard he tried. Of course, even if he could gain access, Arik was more than confident that he could fight off any system attacks through the use of his neural interface. There was no way some old world tablet could be more powerful than his mind. After all, the human brain was the best processor in the world. These precautions wouldn't prevent any verbal or physical retaliations of course, but those he could easily handle without resorting to any kind of tricks. "In any case, the councilor better get here soon. Calling us in here only to show up late? It's a waste of all of our time if you ask me. He could've called us from the intercom in here when he arrived, and I would've been able to finish my practice rounds.Instead we're forced to wait and bicker. I don't know, maybe I'm just itching to get back out in the field. Been too long since my last op if you ask me." Too long for Arik was in fact a very short amount of time. His last operation was only two days prior, though to him it couldn't have felt further away. "It's just unprofessional to keep your soldiers waiting like this. Completely inefficient."