Colorado opened the door for Georgia after taking the money and nodding before sealing it again. He also pushed Georgia into the training program. He hadn't really paid much attention to the scenario what was going on beyond the heat level, he considered changing it for a second to something with longer range but then the current occupants would know that someone was meddling it as the door didn't visibly lock being a bulkhead. If he started messing with it Virginia would notice something was going on. All he was doing was making sure F.I.L.S.S allowed other players to join the field in the objectivity of fairness and allowing everyone to have something to do. As it was starting to be a little odd the Councillor not being here before them. Something bigger was going on, his last op had been a while ago. A week at most, there hadn't been need for any hacking recently and he wasn't nearly as good at sneaking around as Virginia was so she always got those jobs. Being a hacker gave him less jobs than he thought he would get, at least he had the consolation that there would always be a need to hack at some point and sometimes he wouldn't even need to leave the ship, he had more recent jobs from aboard the ship but he never really classed it as an op unless he got to shoot or was shot at. Then California came in and ruined things. "I doubt the Director will throw me out on my ass for it, I need to practice somehow. Training simulations with F.I.L.S.S hardly prepare me. He's actually commended me for initiative once. I mean locking the Councillor in his room got me in a bit of bother but at the end of the day I'm a valuable asset to the team. So lighten up hotshot, anyone can punch someone else. Takes finessé to do what I do." Something pinged up on his tablet. "Oh, scared that I'm going to try and hack your suit? No point in locking it down, nothing interesting you can do with someones suit really. Change in temperature, lack of oxygen, maybe seize up the joints? Basic protocols that are introduced through F.I.L.S.S and the suits programming always lets F.I.L.S.S in due to the security protocols." He smirked as he pulled his helmet on, the Councillor couldn't be far away now. "Though you are right about one thing, waiting for this long is starting to become part of a piss take."