Jason woke up. He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. 20:46. [i]Dammit. I'm late again.[/i] The night shift at the hospital started at 20:00, and it was his turn. As far as he knew, there were only two doctors in Homestead. A woman named Karen and himself. As if they didn't have enough pressure, people would go to them for the smallest of problems. Splinters, broken nails and even paper cuts. They were probably scared of catching whatever is was that created the walkers, but he explained to them that it doesn't work like that. Anyway, at least he was doing something useful. Many survivors here didn't have a real job to do and they got very bored very fast. After getting dressed and washing his face, Jason quickly ran out of the building where he lived together with 4 other people, in the direction of the hospital. Arriving at the hospital, he noticed that there was someone inside. Probably Karen. He walked in, and saw Karen poring over some maps. "What's that?" asked Jason loudly, announcing his presence.