Kilgion looked at the dragon that had taken its own time and blocked his path. He looked it in the eyes and said " look I know my life is worth nothing to anyone so if you want to kill me just do it. I don't care how you do. If you don't I will walk on and soon be forgoton by every one. If you have other plans then take action because I'm leaving now." He knew that the dragon would most likely kill him for the way he talked to it but he didn't care right now. Back in his village he was hated and everyone wished he would just die. The elders sent him out to be chosen by a dragon as a joke they knew he was worthless to the village. He was always building weapons of some kind. But for all his military ideas there was never anyone to fight with his weapons. He had no desire to go back to his village where it felt like war all the time. He liked it out here in the peaceful woods. He turned to the side and then walked over to one of the fallen trees and sat down. If he died then that was his fate. " you dragon are the only one that has bothered to give me any of their time and soon I think even you will leave. That is how it is with people who know me. No one cares about me so I have no one to care for. I thank you for even this small amount of time you have spared me."