my internet completely died on me last night as I was trying to make my post. So its here late. I hope it will be accepted. :.Born As.: Sun Muna :.Also Known As.: Wallflower :.Appear To Be.: 16 :.The Doctor Said.: "My stars, quite lovely for a boy..." :.I Swing Towards.: Pansexuality :.A Glorious Gift.: Two Hearts- Was one of the few surviving test subjects of an experiment that successfully transplanted a second heart near his first. He now possesses two fully functioning hearts. Should his first heart be mortally damaged, he can survive off of the second. Oddly enough, the heart he recieved belonged to an Oracle. This heart not only granted him his precognitive abilities, but it possesses unique chemical properties that make it 10x stronger than a normal heart. The Oracle's heart grants Sun immensely enhanced endurance, stamina, and cardiovascular health. Heart of the Oracle; Precognitive Dreams- Due to the Oracle's heart he received, Sun can see into the future through his dreams. His dreams are open for interpretation and can be a challenge to decipher. Furthermore, his precognitive dreams are unbiased, so he may dream about random future events that have nothing to do with him. However, this is his only precognitive ability that has no limit to how far he can see into the future. Heart of the Oracle; Premonitions- Due to the Oracle's heart, Sun can see into the past and future through a form of psychometry. Although the information he receives isn't always clear, with enough concentration, he can usually "call" a premonition at will, and virtually about anything, from a person, to an object, to an event, etc. Sometimes being near a certain person, or touching an object, or being in a certain area can "trigger" a premonition to occur. His premonitions generally occur as quick burst, and only last a couple of seconds and are in black and white. At most, his premonitions can see up to 72 hours in the future or past. Heart of the Oracle; Lovely Ghostwriter- Due to the Oracle's heart, Sun can predict the future through quatrains that he writes down unconsciously. The summoned Lovely Ghostwriter is an odd and small ethereal creature, invisible to those who are not Blessed Ones. It hovers over Sun's hand and manipulates his arm and wrist to automatically write his poems. The target of the fortune must handwrite his/her name (aliases and handles count), full date of birth, and blood type on the piece of paper on which he will write the poem. A picture of the target's face is necessary if he/she isn't present. Sun's fortunes take the form of a poem with four or five quatrains of four lines each. Each verse represents a week of the current month, and typically events referenced in the poem are present as metaphors. Inauspicious fortunes always contain advice, and misfortune can be avoided if warnings are heeded. Although he cannot use this ability to predict his own fortune, with all the conditions met, it can be used at will to predict the futures of others. Psionic Sprites- As a Blessed One, Sun naturally possessed this ability. When he first came into his power, it manifested in the form of an aura-like field of pure psionic energy that surronds and saturates his body. This "aura" is generated from his mind, but focused through the central point of his forehead. This same field, once manifested and emanating around him, then creates what looks like small butterfly-like sprites. In actuality, this peculiar visual projection of his psionic powers is a conscious choice made by Sun. He could have his psionic projections look like anything, but he chose this particular form due to the innocent and ethereal nature of real life butterflies. These sprites are created from Sun's mental powers and are not to be underestimated by their appearance because they act as the focused totality of Sun's powers. He can communicate with other indiviuals by sending his sprites into their minds to relay his thoughts or cause extreme mental pain by having them burrow into the brains of others. Furthermore, his sprites can work together to move physical objects or repel kinetic assualts if he concentrates hard enough. [hider=My Spoiler] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] :.The Proud.: Oracle, Blessed One :.People Say.: Sun is a somewhat shy individual who enjoys listening more than speaking. Deemed a wallflower by others, he is very sensitive to the world that surrounds him, to the people and to nature. This causes him to be slightly emotional, as he spots beauty and interest in mundane things/feelings/actions, ones where some generally don't notice or don't take thought in. A beautiful sunrise can probably make him cry. Though seemingly quiet and introverted, he is a rebel who feels he should never accept an intangible fate and will usually translate his frustrations into his writing. Furthermore, Sun is an avid writer and reader and he is incredibly compassionate, empathic, and respectful, but won't hesitate to snap at others for being impolite or slipping with their manners. :.The Past Was.: Sun lived with his mother, grandmother, and 3 younger sisters in a very totalitarian nation that was incredibly technologically advanced. While one would think this would be a blessing, it was more of a curse, at least for the people of the nation. With the advancements of technology continuously growing, more and more strange test and surgeries were being conducted to maximize health conditions and overall longevity. One of the newest forms of surgery at the time was Twin Heart transplants, a surgery that literally implanted the hearts of the dead into the bodies of the living. Via random draw, many people were taken by force to be test subjects. No one was off limits, not even children. Forced to relinquish her son over to the government, Sun's mother went into hiding with his grandmother and 3 sisters, in an attempt to keep them from being chosen for the testings as well. Those who were taken spent many years in testing facilities where they were mannered and groomed to be in peak health condition. They were prepped in hopes of being able to survive the experiment. Unfortunately, many people died during these test surgeries. However, Sun survived. At the age of 10(He was taken at age 4 and trained for 6 years in prep for the "test"), he was 1 of only 14 test subjects to survive the Twin Heart transplant. In the heat of the moment, right after obtaining his second heart, his body shifted into peak condition, and the abilities of the heart manifested. Unbeknownst to him, the second heart he acquired belonged to that of an Oracle and he obtained all of the Oracle's precognitive abilities. In the moment after his experiment was a success, he had a premonition and was able to use it to escape from the facility. It was also during this fight or flight for his freedom, that his own natural Blessed One ability manifested due to the intense heightened adrenaline rush. Scared and impropely reading his premonition, he found himself surronded by number of security personnel. It was in this moment that his body became saturated in an aura of psionic energy that seemed to resonate from the central point of his forehead. In fear of what was to come, all he could do was think of something happy. His first thoughts...butterflies. Such beautiful and delicate creatures they were. Always dancing upon the wind in his mother's garden. When he opened his eyes, small butterfly-shaped projections were flowing from his forehead and burrowing into the security guards minds, causing them to scream and wrench in agony and pain, even incapacitating some of them. Finally out of the facility, he went on the run, and unable to hide in his nation, he made his way to the big open unknown world, where, because of his feminine and ethereal beauty, was picked up by an elderly couple who mistakened him for a lost young girl. This elderly couple happened to be residents of a place called the Paradise Land. With his new home in the Paradise Land, and now 16 years old, the years he has lived with the elderly couple have been some of the most heartfelt moments of his life. This couple have been his parents for the past 6 years and the love he has for them is indescribable. :.What You See.: Real Life [IMG][/IMG] Anime- [IMG][/IMG] :.Behind The Scenes.: Has a branding of the number 7 on the back of his neck; done to him by the testing facility. This number represents his position in order of those who received the Twin Heart surgery and survived it.