[b]Roxy[/b] As Roxy was trying to get acquainted to this newcomer, and by that, she meant completely and utterly ignored as if she was some two bit imaginary friend of Katsumi's, a scream was heard that made the girl jump and look around frantically. Before she could even properly get her ass in gear, the other two were already blurring away and leaving her behind. "Shit," Roxy muttered running after them, but unlike some of her other friends, she wasn't exactly known for her speed on foot. "You guys and your fucking Strider speed is bullshit! I mean, these boots may have been made for walking, but they sure as hell weren't made for running! You could at least carry a girl! Be all knightly and shit!" She called after them, but by then they had probably gotten out of earshot. Yeah, fuck this. She stopped in her tracks and pulled a bottle from her [url=http://mspaintadventures.wikia.com/wiki/Sylladex#Message_in_a_Bottle]Sylladex[/url]. She then proceeded to smash the bottle onto the ground and out came a hover board. It was a good thing she got Dirk to make her one for herself. She climbed on to of it, getting her laser gun out, and cruised the rest of the way there at a much higher speed. Though, still not as fast as Katsumi or Yuji. In fact, by time she got there, they had already started fighting these... She balked, a combination of fascination and horror written on her face, "Hopy jegus, what is up with the My Little Pony rejects. It's like all that brony fanfiction just puked out all over the place and created this abomination to humanity. Can we please send them to a glue factory?" Roxy wasn't exactly sure how to jump into the fight. She didn't want to get in the way of either of her comrades weapons and she couldn't get a good shot without risking hitting someone on her side. So she bided her time until she could spot a decent opening, her gun carefully aimed and ready to fire when the need arises. --- [b]Nepeta[/b] Nepeta stared up at the green haired woman as she advanced towards her. The troll tensed up, ready to spring to action at any sign of hostility. She may have been small, but she was no push over! She was a great and mighty huntress! She clenched her fists and lowered her arms from her chest... [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9Uxxa3SHx4]STRIFE!!![/url] .... or not. The great and mighty huntress had been caught in the most deadly of grips before she could properly fight back, "AC's daring rescue has ended in failure! The terrifying green lady has instead caught the brave and furrocious meowbeast in her powerfur clutch- wow, you hug really tight." She tried wiggle out of Yuuka's grasp to no avail. So, as a last resort, she turned to Rachel and gave her most adorable and pleading looks, "The mighty huntress would appurrciate if the human girl would uh.. save her savior!" --- [b]Antimony[/b] "I see, that kinda sounds like something I might come across back home," Annie replied, haven taken in all the information the two had given her. When the cat had said not to go in the way of the Museum, the red headed girl raised her eyebrow, "Why not? Is something the matter?"