"But if you have such reagents then simply use them. Do not take me for a fool little [i]pet[/i]," he emphasized the last word as he responded to her, matching her stare trying to shatter her will in this test, "I know of the great wizards, the ones with with a flick of the wrist and a granule of dust could turn that wall behind you to so much rubble. Wizards who could turn invisible or into gas, ones who could simply fly away from any threat. Tell me," he brought his head down closer to hers trying to fill her vision with nothing but his face, "how could such a fearsome wizard as you who could wipe me away in an instant be caught so easily? Where are your minions? Where is your spellbook? Where are these reagents you claim to have hid so well?" His smile grew broader at this, "surely you do not forget it was only moments ago that I saw you stripped bare to the world? I watched you then and you excited me then, just as you excite me now," At that he took his left hand from the wall and moved to run a single finger down her jawline, "Simply admit your weakness, admit your mistake in opposing me, and when I break free from this place I shall return to you your precious book of spells so you may use them to aid me. If you particularly please me I will even keep you on as a concubine as I bring the glory of Urgathoa to this world for she gives me the power of my spells freely."