Hanna was terrified, she had no clue what was happening, and when the girl started firing, she screamed loud and clear. She didnt ask for this. Devon was fuming at the girl's view on peace. he could hear her through speakers and could see the other room from a monitor on the wall. He was bound pretty tightly, he didnt think he could access any blood like this. He looked around observing his surroundings. Then he saw it. A girl was bound, and her head was slumped back, a small bloodstain on the wall behind her. They must have hit her head off the wall to knock her out. He focused his rage, and the bloodstain slowly started sizzling. He focused it to float over towards him, and then he ignited it, burning away the bonds on his hands. he used his hands to remove the rest of the bonds, and then stood up cautiously. He ran over first to the boy with the white hair, removing his headphones and whispering "don't attack me. I'm a hybrid, im gonna release you and we can all escape." The boy hummed in response. Devon removed the rest of his bonds, and then his gag and blindfold. The boy looked up at him with pale eyes, and he did not smile, he simply stood up and helped Devon release the others. Devon released next the girl with blue hair, and was surpised when he removed the wrapping on her back and wings popped out, almost insect like. She wasnt very coherent, and she seemed dazed. The gas must be inhibiting her. She slumped back in the cold metal chair and mumbled sleepily. Devon then went on to release the other prisoners with the white haired boy. (Chance for any backup characters here, just say that Devon released them)