Alpha woke as usual, no alarm clock was needed, he simply knew when it was time to rise and begin the day once more, and so he did. his usual morning rituals coming first, he dressed finally in his usual attire, he had four of them all exactly the same. a simple white t-shirt, then a match white chest, with black shoulder and sleeves jacket, and a pair of Khaki pants. he stood tall enough, usually at 6'4 though that has been known to change, thanks to his 'gift'. dressed and barefooted, he exited his home which was built away from the others, out of respect for them of course, his little one room shack was more then what he needed, most of his time was spent in the medical building, thanks to his father's lessons he was the resident doctor, thought at times when his power got out of hand on him he was more frightening then the sickness so they kept away. Heading out, hands in his pockets he whistled a soft tune, he had no idea what it was or where it came from but it was something his father had whistled all the time, and after his death he'd taken it up to honor his memory. anyone that was awake, if they heard the whistling they'd know who it was coming from. before he had gotten the name Alpha, he had been just Tobias, traveling in the wastes with his father. of course the Doctor hadnt been his real father, but he was all he had known. having been found nearly dead as a newborn, anyone else would have left him to the fates, but not Doc, no he had a code, an oath that he lived by and he had taken up the mantle becoming a father and raising the baby into the young man he was to become. it was during that time they had discovered his "gift" which could be at times but then again it could be a "curse" as well, and he would never forget the last words his father had told him, a fourteen year old body, holding the dying body of the man that had raised him [b][i]get to Paradise, help it son. you are strong, smart and will continue to get smarter and stronger but just remember. your not immortal, no one is truely impervious. there are somethings in this world that one simply cannot adapt to[/i][/b] Alpha was sure of those words, he never let his power go to his head. arriving at the medical building, he stopped for a moment to take a glance at the wall. his building was one of the ones near the gate, just cause anyone seeking Paradise mostly needed medical attention in some way, shape or form. he saw the usual. the Gatekeeper scaling the wires to get to the top of the wall, an everyday thing. his steady blue eyes fell then onto Mother herself, the quick lipped, leader of Paradise. he stared perhaps a little longer then expected of one who was just checking to see who all was there. breaking his gaze, he took a moment to get his thoughts under control, before he walked inside the building. standing there already waiting was a young mother and her daughter. "morning, i hope you wasnt waiting long" he was kind to anyone that came into see him, an excellent bedside manner anyone would tell you that had seen him, which was mostly the warriors and humans, he didnt get many of the Blessed ones, they all were stubborn like that. the young mother shook her head .[i]"oh no Doctor, not at all.. her cough has been getting worse is all, and now she's got a fever"[/i] the mother said. moving forward, he felt the girl's forehead. "ah, well that she does but not to worry" motioning to one of the exam beds. "i'll fix up something that will help take the fever down a bit and we'll knock that cough out in no time alright"