[quote=Revans Exile] A plant the federal government says is illegal. It is a crime in all 50 states.He lacked the ability to cope with his life without illegal pharmacological aid. He was a pathetic piece of trash who sole good act in his entire life was to get killed. [/quote] First of all: What the hell is your goddamn problem? Second of all: What the [i]hell[/i] is your goddamn problem? This is a young man you are talking about. I doubt you know anything of his life. He graduated from high school and was going to go on to college. He didn't deserve to die, and his death is almost certainly not unrelated to the plain-and-simple fact that the rate of police brutality against the black and hispanic communities is astronomically high, unnoticed by mainstream media, and utterly tragic. I hope you can someday reevaluate your shitty opinions and see that something as minor as smoking a little pot does not slate a young man for death.