What I mean was the Gods coming down and being the people who fight you almost belittles their power for me? I did have a cool idea though... "When the war between the gods was getting to it's peak and the world of men was being ignored, mankind decided to save themselves by casting/doing a bit spell/ritual thing. Which stripped all the weapons of the gods from them and brought them to earth and then scattered them all over, a tome was created by that ritual which held clues to the weapons locations and to the traps that guard them. Hundreds have traveled to try and find these weapons and failed but one now holds the Tome and finally there is a chance the weapons could be found." I quite like this idea actually, it would have to incur some sort of 'The gods cannot physically materialize themselves in the human world' rule, otherwise they would just zap down and take them back, or after they lost the weapons they lost the ability to come back to earth. So they would have to imbue what power they had left into some champions to try and find the weapons for them, and once they all learn that the protagonist has the tome they would all start chasing said character. Also I'm not so keen on the futuristic idea unless it's changed to an ancient race of aliens or something, I just don't think Olde-world Gods & Sci-fi settings click together. Modern [I]could[/I] be cool. I really like running around urban cities etc and throwing magic at people. For something like this I can only think that the Adventurer with the Tome would be the target of the plot and players would play the Champions of the gods tasked with finding the weapons? Unless your looking at an exclusively 1x1 RP?