As bullets starting flying Aqua hurried over to Arthur, who lifted her up onto his back. they'd done this a few times before when in danger, Aqua can't exactly run, and Arthur's not too awesome at it either. so Arthur would let her ride him and Aqua sits leaning back, it actually balances him out more and allows him to move with better dexterity. he was still prone to stumbling at the most inopportune times, but it was better then nothing. as soon as there was an opening the pair shot past the humans, narrowly missing getting shot, and went through the door. Alessia had been silently watching the whole situation and was a little peeved that Arthur and Aqua left without her, but she did have to think that she was literally avoiding them before. she had been bound but it had been released when the 'dark prince' or whatever had freed them all. she looked around the room, the girl shooting appear to have rather bad aim. her eyes stopped when she saw the hybrid she had seen earlier on the street, and when she saw him she remembered she'd fallen 2 floors but she didn't remember fitting anything and she didn't feel like she'd hurt herself, she might be part cat but an unconscious cat doesn't land on it's feet, did he catch her, his mutation was feline based as well, but far more progressed, he was also a big cat, she probably had the DNA of a tabby or something, maybe that's why her mutation was as drastic as his. she shook the thoughts away, that's something to figure out later, she turned her attention back to the 2 humans.