Kenji woke up, the sound of birds chirping and the window blowing passing through the tree which he slept on. He yawned, stretching and scratching his head "Weird, I don't remember falling asleep here. The hell happened last night" He asked himself, wondering why his clothes were partially torn. He shrugged, jumping off the branch and landing on the ground. He casually walked around, trying to find out where he was "Am I even in the same time?" He had no recollection of the night before, but his thoughts were cut off as he saw a clock "9:30...I have a feeling I have to be somewhere..." He shrugged again, walking away with his hands jammed in his pockets. While walking he stopped in his tracks, running back to the clock "Wait, those Council bastards come by today! Crap, I can't have my magic cut off anymore. It'll interfere with my studies!" He said, running off to his guild building. Ken ran with all his might, looking at every clock on the way "Dammit, only 6 more minutes left!" He yelled to himself, picking up his speed and leaving a small dust cloud behind him. He saw the guild building in his sights, a wide grin forming on his face "Finally, and with 4 minutes to spare" He said as he skidded to a stop. He fixed his clothing and his hair, before casually walking up to the guild entrance. He didn't want anyone from the guild to see him in a hurry, he had a reputation to hold up. He opened up the front doors brashly, a wide grin on his face. He scanned the room, not really knowing anyone there. He walked through, without a care in the world towards the Job Board.