This roleplay is currently [b]ACCEPTING[/b] [center][img=] [url=]Interest Check[/url] | [url=]Character Bin[/url] [i]Summer camp! A wonderful experience that many children in America partake in. Here, it's possible to find lifelong friends, everlasting memories and experience nature like never before. Summer camp is a place where people can get away from their daily problems and simply have fun! You can become a different person at camp, after all, most people don't know the previous you. So you come to camp, whether you are returning or a newcomer, it doesn't matter! Some of you are excited, and maybe some of you are dreading this. Whatever the case, there's some sort of anticipation building up within you about spending the next few weeks here. What's not to look forward to? There are all of the delicious meals, roasting marshmallows in the campfire, the sleepover-esque nights, the crystalline lake, making new friends... At least, that's what was supposed to happen. Every summer camp has their own horror story. Maybe it's something people whisper to each other in their cabins, trying to spook each other before going to sleep, maybe it's something that everyone squeals over the campfire chats. Whatever the case, it's all usually just a thrilling story to be scared over, nothing too major. Our camp has those stories too. Supposedly, they found a body underneath one of the cabins, and you can still hear it crying. What about that story about the door that keeps opening, no matter how many times you shut it? Of course, everyone just nervously laughs it off, it's only a story. What are you going to do when you're within that horror story? You're in the middle of nowhere, there's no place to run. When the fun summer camp experience goes awry, you'll become part of the horror story retold by generations to strike fear in people's hearts.[/i][/center] --- [b][u]RULES[/b][/u] [list][*]All Guild rules apply, of course[/*][*]Swearing is allowed, but please keep it in moderation.[/*][*]This is high casual roleplay. At the bare minimum, please post two paragraphs. Much more is preferred! That being said, quality over quantity, don’t add random things just to add length.[/*][*]Please use proper grammar! I'm not a grammar nazi, but I do like to be able to read things without being bothered by the grammar. You don't have to make things perfect, and you don't have to obsessively proof read, but try your best![/*][*]Don’t create a Mary Sue or a Marty Stu. Nobody is perfect, people must have flaws.[/*][*]Use common sense and courtesy! We’re all friends here. Be polite, and no fights in the OOC. Don't put anything here that you wouldn't want your grandmother to see.[/*][*]Listen to what the GM says! I am your benevolent goddess… In this roleplay, at least.[/*][*]As of right now, there is a character limit of three characters. This may be subject to change.[/*][*]Let me know if you can’t post for a while, or if you’re dropping, or anything of that nature. I won’t bite your head off, I promise.[/*][*]You have to post in the OOC at least once in a while. It's no fun to roleplay with someone you barely know. Even if it's just to say "I'm ALIIIIVE", post in the OOC.[/*][*]Have fun! This is a requirement. Seriously, why roleplay if you’re not having fun?[/*][/list] --- [b][u]Character Information[/b][/u] For your character sheet, please be detailed! Especially in the personality section, don’t just list off adjectives. Go into detail. Also, it would be much appreciated if you could underline, bolden, or do something to the CS skeleton to make it easier to read. You can add more to the CS skeleton if you’d like, but be sure to have the ones listed here! If you think that your character could be the murderer, please PM me and I will consider it! [b][i]Once your character has been accepted, post it to the Character Bin.[/b][/i] The character bin is not a place to apply for this roleplay, it is a place for [b]accepted[/b] characters ONLY. [hider=Camper Character Sheet] [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] (Ages 12-18) [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] (A written portion is required. It would be lovely if you had a picture as well! If you use a picture, please use a photograph of a real person.) [b][u]Number of times at this camp:[/b][/u] [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] [b][u]History:[/b][/u] [b][u]Why are you at this camp?:[/b][/u] [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Counselor Character Sheet][b][u]Name:[/b][/u] [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] (Ages 17-35. If you want to be older, you can make a case for it, but you can't be younger.) [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u](A written portion is required. It would be lovely if you had a picture as well! If you use a picture, please use a photograph of a real person.) [b][u]Number of times at this camp as a counselor:[/b][/u] [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] [b][u]History:[/b][/u] [b][u]Why are you working at this camp?:[/b][/u] [b][u]Have you been at this camp as a camper? If so, how many times?[/b][/u] [b][u]Miscellaneous:[/b][/u][/hider] [hider=Relationship Sheet] I will update this list as more characters are accepted, but please write what your character thinks of everyone else![/hider] --- [b][u]Camp Information[/b][/u] Welcome to Camp Duskend! We're so glad you're here. If you would please take a moment to get to know the camp, that would be most lovely! If you have any ideas or contributions, please don't hesitate to let me know! [hider=Camp Rules] [list][*]Contraband (banned items) will be taken from the campers on the first day to be put in a safe place until the end of the session. If any campers hold onto contraband, they will be confiscated immediately.[/*][*]All counselors are 25. Even if they're not really 25, they're still 25.[/*][/list][/hider] --- This OOC is still a WIP! More information will be added over time, so check back!