With a click and a whir a music box began to play in a dimly lit bedroom. Timed magically to start playing when the owner needed to wake up. Beneath the sheets stirred a young woman. On the smaller side, most would likely guess her to be a teenager by her petite build and minimal stature. But she was not just some little girl of course. what little girl is just a little girl after all? This particular woman was a mage, a guild mage at that and she needed to be up and ready for the magic councils weekly inspection. Her least favorite time of any week. It meant she couldn't sleep in. Of course sleeping in to Ellia Litna meant not getting out of bed till noon. She loved sleep so much that what she called a powernap medical professionals would call a minor comma. The girl loved to sleep almost as much as she loved music and money. Almost. It why she used music to wake her up and the promise of proper mage work and pay to get out of bed. Out of her bed she rolled, hitting the ground with a rather nasty thud. from there she rose up like a shambling ghoul who's hunger for flesh was the only way the barely intact muscles moved it's rotting frame. She bumped and stumbled and stubbed just about any and every part of her body that could be. But she felt know pain and showed no reaction. Some would call this a symptom of sleepwalking, or just being the worst morning person ever. While the latter was indeed true, it was actually thanks to her true magic that no pain was felt. ever bump absorbed and turned into energy. energy she wasn't going to use after all, it would dissipate in plenty of time, but it kept her from showing up anywhere covered in bruises. with all the grace of a three legged elephant she prepared herself to go to the guild. Once ready, there she went. Though it should be noted that she arrived there incredibly early. Around 6 on the dot to be exact. Once she arrived in the quite guild hall she curled against the wall, just to the left of the guild's job board and went back to sleep. Wrapped in one of her favorite jackets, a far to large from her blue hoodie of sorts, as a make shift blanket. She rather show up early and sleep here for as long as possible than risk being later. Business was important, and lateness was not businesslike. Even as the guild began to fill up a bit more as the hour of the inspection approached the deep sleeping girl hardly stirred a wink. It was not until some particularly brash boy entered with barely any time to spare walked his was to the board did her green eyes flutter open and glared at him. "Take softer steps, you could wake a sloth demon with those clunking foot falls."