[hider=The Mime] Name:Kyle Neil "The Mime" Gender:Male Age:17 Super Powers (if any):His gene allows him to temporarily incorporate the characteristics he comes in contact with(Though in most cases he has to want to take on the powers). The only down side to this that if he takes on powers from another Super and he has not used them before he has little control over them. Though if he takes characteristics from an animal the ability to use them is automatically "programmed" into him and he can adapt to the changes easily. (I.E. If he was in the Marvel Universe and took the powers from Loki he would have NO ability to control that amount of power as it would be completely alien to him). He can also only take powers from one being at a time, he can't take the powers from two heroes/villians/animals at the same time. If he wants to take another power he must first "purge" the other from his body. He also can't hold power through immense physical/mental trauma and any powers (from a super) and uses it drains him physically and he tires quickly. Background:There isn't much behind his story. When he first developed his powers he pretty much kept them to himself and stayed out of trouble, as he had seen what had happened to the other Supers who had decided toplay hero as they were told. He only got involved over a period of time and initially on the wrong side of things. He was a street urchin and as such he got the idea that he had to do anything to survive. For a while he became a small time criminal and he stuck to that role and that is when he became the Mime. Technically he never truly became a Hero though when he got taken to the next level of criminal activity his "boss" told him to kill. He refused and they turned on him. He fought back and knocked them out before the police arrived and he was arrested accused of being a Hero by the courts and then sent to prison. Since then he hasn't done much of anything, residing to the life he has been given. Personality: Joyous, Cheeky, can be selfish. Description/Image: [img]http://www.frankjeffreys.com/mime.jpeg[/img] Out of Costume [img]http://www.caughtonset.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/garfield-hoody-look.jpg[/img][/hider]