[*]Name: Arista Li[/*] [*]Age: 18[/*] [*]Appearance[/*] [hider="Nice to meet you."][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/arista.jpg][/hider] [*]Personality: On first meeting, Arista has a warm presence that is friendly and not intrusive. Though her outward actions rarely bear the slightest hint of boldness or impulsiveness, she leaves a lasting impression through the air of almost-regal dignity she carries. Her understated charm comes from a polite, tactful manner of speaking and a genuine interest in learning more about other people. As someone with keen social finesse, Arista does her best to make quick reads of the people around her – she is much more calculating than she appears. Situations in which she has no control put her on edge, much to her dismay. She spends much of her time hanging out with her wide circle of friends, yet she still holds them at arm’s length. Arista enjoys her relationships for what they are, yet with the seeming expectation that they may end one day. Before, she used to be much more optimistic. Now she has a hard time believing that people can always be naturally good and altruistic. These days, Arista's heart is a bit heaver with the idea that most people mean well, but will act selfishly when it comes down to the wire. For this reason, she doesn't consider it wise to trust someone completely or truly open up to them; she feels it only puts her in a vulnerable position.[/*] [*]Partnered to: RubyBearmon[/*] [*]Backstory: Arista had a fairly privileged upbringing in a well-connected political family. Her father was a diplomat, so she spent her childhood traveling and entertaining important guests at wherever the family made their home. From a young age, she learned how to talk to adults and be taken seriously. Despite moving around to new places a lot, Arista found it easy to blend in with kids her age. She spent her high school years in Japan at an international school. By then, her mother had a career as a researcher in neural engineering and spent half the time at her lab and the other half abroad at a global biotech institute. Left to her own devices, Arista became rather independent and buckled down in her studies. She'd been awarded a scholarship to go to university in the United States, and her plan was to move there immediately after graduating.[/*] [*]Other: Also goes by Mei Xue and Miyuki. She speaks English fluently; Mandarin and Japanese, less so.[/*] --- [*]Name/Species: RubyBearmon - simply known as "Bearmon" to friends.[/*] [*]Appearance: In Rookie form, Bearmon wears his signature red scarf around his head as a bandana.[/*] [*]Evolution Line + Abilities[/*] [indent][*]Punimon[/*][/indent] [hider=Fresh][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/punimon.gif] Bubble Shot: Shoots a flurry of bubbles that disorient the target.[/hider] [indent][*]RubyTsunomon[/*][/indent] [hider=In-Training][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/rubyTsunomon.gif] Horn Tackle: Tsunomon throws its bodyweight horn-first at the target in a powerful charge.[/hider] [indent][*]RubyBearmon[/*][/indent] [hider=Rookie][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/rubyBearmon.gif] Ruby Fist: Winds up to drive a powerful punch into the target. Rolling Bear: RubyBearmon drops to all fours and charges, rolling into a ball at top speed to slam into the first thing it collides with.[/hider] [indent][*]Ursamon[/*][/indent] [hider=Champion][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/ursamon.gif] Heavy Paw: Ursamon stands up on its back legs to knock down its target beneath the weight of its forepaws, disrupting the target's balance. More effective on heavier foes. X Claw: A lightning attack that strikes twice at the target's vulnerable spots.[/hider] [indent][*]Pandamon[/*][/indent] [hider=Ultimate][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/pandamon.gif] Bamboo Slice: Extends its retractable claws to slice at a target. Its claws are sharp enough to cut rocks easily. Firecracker Spin: Pandamon spins rapidly to shoot firecrackers from its paws in every direction.[/hider] [indent][*]MachPandamon[/*][/indent] [hider=Mega][img=http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm316/elysianelegy/machPandamon.gif] Crimson Braver: Reinforces its armor and accelerates to blinding speed, gathering enough force to deflect any attacks and obstacles. Meteor Lance: Its right arm transforms into a lance that can pierce a target by converting the entirety of MachPandamon's strength into crushing weight. Sunset Blaze: MachPandamon turns into an unstoppable cyclone that can ignite the air itself and set the atmosphere aflame.[/hider] [*]Personality: Bearmon is somewhat naive, as he can't really see why anyone would need to have a hidden agenda. Having nothing to hide himself, he acts directly and speaks frankly. He is no stranger to foolhardiness, as he finds it sensible to act first and think later. In fights, he won't stop until he's given it his all. Strength is a quality Bearmon respects highly – he will disregard people he deems "all talk and no action." According to him, strong Digimon are meant to use their power to defend the weak. He understands that Digimon need each other to survive.[/*] [*]Backstory: For as long as he can remember, Bearmon has lived in a village in a forgotten corner of the Digital World. He and the other Digimon were fairly comfortable in their green paradise, barely aware of anything that was going on outside of their valley. Bearmon spent his days sparring with his friends, and eventually his position as the best fighter turned into a position as the village's official protector. But he hardly did anything, as there were never any true dangers. In fact, things started getting a little too boring for him. Bearmon's desire for excitement was causing a rift in his community, as others just wanted to lead quiet lives. Although he felt guilty about leaving, he decided that the village would be in good hands. It was time for him to go out and see the rest of the world.[/*]