[Center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdhgdrb5bU1rs1ao7o1_500.png][/center] Grounded. [b]GROUNDED![/b] How the hell was Rose going to explain this one to the Titans? Well...she wasn't. No phone meant no communication with them, which meant who knows how long until she would be able to go back out on missions with them again, let alone just talk and be a teenager for God's sake. Lying on her back on her queen-sized bed, Rose continued to toss up one of her daggers into the air, seeing just how close she could get it to the ceiling without sticking before it would fall back down to where she would catch it again. The ceiling above her bore the scars of this particular activity over the last year or so, though none of them particularly fresh as she seemed to have gotten the exact idea of how high to toss it long ago. There was suddenly a knock at her door and Rose froze, not wanting to make a sound. She listened to her father's concerns, to his plea of reasoning behind his punishment. She said nothing though, as not even knowing what to say. She held her breath as the other side of the door then went quiet, and then she heard his heavy footsteps walking back down the hallway. Tossing the knife up once more, she rolled over onto her stomach, letting the blade fall back down on it's own and stuck into the solid oak floor next to her bedside without Rose even so much as flinching. A low groan came from her throat as she noticed an empty packet of cigarettes half-poking out from underneath her bed. This detoxing thing was going to suck... "God dammit Jason..." [i]With somewhat of a tired stretch, Rose rolled over on the bed onto her side, her bare skin coming into immediate contact with Jason Todd and from the sound of it, he was still sleeping. Hoisting herself up onto her elbow a bit, she leaned over and kissed the hollow of his neck before slipping out of the bed, tossing on Jason's blue t-shirt he was wearing from the night before. Now wearing nothing else but his shirt, she quietly slipped out of Jason's apartment bedroom and went out into the kitchen to find something to eat. As the apartment was strikingly new, food was scarce forcing Rose to think creatively and actually look. Opening up one of the cabinets, she found it to be a mess inside with with what seemed like a little bit of everything just shoved in there in a hurry to get things unpacked. Rummaging through the 'junk cabinet', Rose happened upon one of Jason's packs of cigarettes. She and Jason had known one another for nearly three months now, so she was quite used to his smoking habits.The thought never crossed her mind though as to what smoking would actually be like. Digging through the cabinet again, Rose found a lighter and pulled out one of the cigarettes from the packet and held it in her teeth the way she saw Jason do it and lit it up and took a mistakenly large inhale of the smoke. Now in a rage of coughing as well as nausea eating at her empty stomach, she was sure that she was going to just fall down and die right then and right there. The boy wonder had been awake for almost half an hour. But he enjoyed laying in bed, knowing that Rose was just next to him. He noticed her waking up, he had a soft smile on his lips as she kissed his neck, and she got out of bed. Jason remained in bed for a few minutes, until he heard Rose coughing, getting slightly worried, Jason got out of bed, put on his jeans and then walked into the kitchen, only to find Rose trying to smoke a cigarette. He shook his head, and leaned down to her. "It's not good for you." Jason assured her, his voice was soft. "But the trick is to inhale smoothly, be relaxed, else your body will reject it. Take short breaths, it's overwhelming in the start." Jason told her, getting a cigarette from out of the pack himself, gently taking the lighter from the girl, and lighting his own. He opened the window, and leaned against it, breathing the smoke into the morning air of the autumn of Gotham. Still coughing a bit and waving her hand in front of her nose to 'shoo' the smoke away, Rose frowned at Jason. "So yesterday was 'how to disarm a man with a gun' and this morning is smoking 101. You know, it's a good thing I was able to teach you a thing or two last night, else this entire thing would be completely one sided." Still, she heeded his words and tried once more, taking in much slower and shorter breaths. It went in a lot smoother this time, and after the fourth or so drag she decided to get a little more brave and try to hold the smoke in her lungs like any other regular smoker would, but again wasn't able to hold the burning feeling and started up her coughing fit once more. "This sucks, how do you even enjoy this?" She asked flatly, holding the cigarette between her two fingers with her one arm crossed over her stomach as the nausea began to set in again. "I can't remember. I started when I was nine." Jason responded equally flatly. "Though, I guess food would help. Kinda like alcohol. I swear I should have either bread or mac n' cheese." Jason said, inhaling more of the cigarette in his hand, looking around the room. " If nothing else, we can order pizza." "Drinking I can handle, but this..." She shook her head but continued to smoke it anyway. If ever there was a challenge that met Rose, she was always determined to not only meet it, but smash it into the ground. "Pizza for breakfast? My my Jason, what would Batman say?" She teased, jumping up on to the counter so that she was sitting. "Peperoni or anchovies. I think." Jason retorted, his face completely serious for a few seconds, till it cracked up into a slight smile. Finishing his cigarette, he tossed the stump out the window. "I'll get on that. Let me just go fetch a shirt, since someone stole mine.." The dark haired boy said, walking back towards his bedroom. "Rumor has it you have a thing for thieves." Rose called after him, a playful smirk on her lips. "Just make sure to bring back a bag of Doritos, if you know what's good for you." "Think you can order Doritos on a pizza? It's a million dollar idea." He said from the bedroom. "If you can order something as nasty as baby fish things on your pizza, I don't see why the hell not." Rose shrugged, and again attempted the cigarette. She was getting better, adopting her own type of 'flow' that she found suited her better. It wouldn't exactly look right if she went around smoking like a man. Rose had to have gone through an entire pack on her own that day.[/i] The revving up of her father's motorcycle brought her back quickly to reality. Slipping off of her bed she went to her window, pulling open the silk drapes to see the tail-lights of her father's motorcycle disappearing into the darkness. Obviously, he had a job to do tonight. Taking advantage of the situation, Rose went back downstairs to get her pants that had her phone in it, but the pocket was empty. "Damn..." Well what was she expecting? Slade was usually very thorough about these kinds of things. Then an idea came to her, her father had his own computer system in his office, if she could just get to that computer, she could send out a message to Jason. She didn't have much of a chance to talk to him when he came to the Tower, not that she was really ready to talk to him right then anyway. Breaking into her father's office wasn't the hard part, it was over-riding the security code to access the main computer. Opening up a program, Rose typed in Jason's cel phone number and sent him a quick SMS. [i]Grounded. Daddy's out. We need to talk.[/i] With the confirmation of the SMS being sent, Rose erased everything she could think of that might lead back to this and then left her father's office, making sure to lock it once more when she left.