Zerince lay in the branches of a tree relaxing after a well earned lunch of rabbit he had caught in his snare and some blackberrys he had happened upon. He had a clear view of the road from his spot high in the tree several feet from the road. "The roads seemed empty for being so close to a village" he thought He returned to his thoughts of what he should do now he had more than enough coin to get him by but not much need for but that can always change. he decided to just continue traveling towards the mountains he had set his sites on the previous days knowing there would be plenty of food there for him to get by till he could figure out what to do with him self now. "my flask is running low." he thought to him self "their is not a stream very near by i may need to go back to that village and buy some." he continued slightly annoyed that he had not thought to buy some as he passed the village. he would lose half a day at least just back tracking. Zerince finally made up his mind a few moments later and hopped down from his tree silently deciding to follow the road back from with in the cover of the trees along the road "Best to avoid be seen when i can." he thought though he had no reason to avoid detection so he went about it fairly relaxed as he walked to the village