Jacob turned when he heard Blake call out to him. He remembered the rifle Blake wanted to have cleaned and tuned up. He knew why; Blake wanted to go with whomever else would be heading North, and though he hadn't directly said it, he wanted the rifle to be in good shape to last the journey. He had cleaned it some time ago, though he had forgotten to inform him about it. "Ah, right, of course. I did everything you asked, along with a couple of things which should make everything a bit smoother without sacrificing dependability. All in all though, that rifle is pretty dependable, even without my working on it. I don't think you'll have anything to worry about." He gestured back towards his shop. "If you want it, it's in there," he said with a nod. He continued walking towards the hospital, if you could really call it that. Even for a band of ramshackle survivors it was pretty makeshift, but it was functional at least. He figured Karen would want to make the trip, and it's not like Jacob disagreed, but he wanted to make sure of some things, and even help a bit in the planning process. Canada was pretty far away, even at it's closest point. It likely wasn't going to be an easy trip. Of course, Jacob figured he practically had no choice in going. He'd have to make sure all of the guns were working... but that also left those who would stay here without a gunsmith. He could just give every gun in the camp a thorough cleaning, maybe even re-finish them for added durability, but with how many weapons there were it would take at least two days of straight work. Still, it would probably take just as long to prepare for the journey. Jacob entered the hospital and walked up to Karen's room, which happened to be quite populated already. He let himself in, but kept quiet, listening to the conversation at hand. He would save his own questions for later.