Argurios had little problem moving through the crowd. Being half orc, he was bigger than most, and so people automatically moved from his path. The same thing couldn’t be said for his friend Brisa. And until she grabbed him to break a fall, he didn’t notice she had problems with people bumping into her. Even though he had little problems while walking through crowds, Argurios hated it. At his farm there was rarely anyone ever this close to him, and even then it was his father. On the road they hardly ever found another person and even then, bought parties kept the distance from the other. Suddenly Brisa grabbed Argurios hard and pulled his hand. As Argurios turned around to see what happened, he heard a familiar voice. "A-Agurios? Brisa? Is that you!?" A boy said with a happy and surprised voice. Argurios looked at the boy. He knew the boy was from the village, but couldn remember what was his name. Aid… something. Even though Argurios couldn’t remember the name he was happy. It was someone he knew, someone that wasn’t foreign. But the joy was short lived. When Brisa hugged the boy, Argurios felt a little spark of jealousy in him. It wasn’t that he was in love. But they had travelled together for couple of days now and yet she never hugged him. What little physical contact they had, was because Argurios initiated it. He noticed Brisa’s gesture, but as he looked into the crowd he didn’t see anything strange or anything that would catch his attention. “I'm going to go see what's going on, I think we need to know.” Brisa said and began to move in the same direction as the crowed. “What? Why? Brisa don’t go n your own like that.” Argurios called after her, but she was already on her marry way. “Damn what could we find here that would be of some importance to us?” Argurios cursed. ”You Aiden, go with her, and make sure you bought get back. We’ll regroup at the eastern church ok. I’m going to go ge the necessary supplies for the journey. “ Argurios was a little surprised that he suddenly remembered the boy’s name. But it didn’t matter. Neither did the future plans of the boy. Argurios disliked this town more and more with each passing moment. The idea of splitting up, and ferreting around seemed bad. All he wished for was to buy the supplies, and get out of this town as soon as possible. Now it seemed he will have to stay here longer. After the old hags speech. The enforcers checked the noses one last time before, the coming of death. The old hag gave a slight nod, and numerous sounds, of the rope straightening and the nose tightening could be heard. Most died quickly having the knot break their necks. One person though, didn’t have the same luck. The knot was placed behind his head and so the neck didn’t break. People watched in silence, as the dead bodies hung in the air, and the horrible death of the unfortunate soul. Moments later even the unfortunate one was now dead still. The blood coming from his eyes was proof of that. The old hag turned to the public. “May Eshowdow now claim their soul and punish the unbelievers.” With that the old hag stepped down from the gallows, and walked beneath the corpses. As she did, her shadow covered the shadows of the dead, but once she passed the bodies, there was no shadow of the dead. Now one of the enforcers stepped forward and caught making sure he had all the attention to begin his speech, and so the old hag could do her business.