Once they had entered the shade of the derelict there was some relief from the beating sun. Immediately Brandt was grateful. The distance had been farther than expected, but that was an illusion of closeness due to the size of the vessel in question. Taking a drink from his canteen he sealed it back up, then double-timed it to the doorway. "Affirmative, sir," he said then studied the door and symbols. "Seems Asgardian. That' might be a little odd. I thought this was where the Ancients had come," he muttered, half to himself, half to Miller. Pulling out his fixed blade knife he rapped on the door and then the hull. The former was sturdy but sounded hollow and had an echo, and the main hull itself seemed quite solid and hard. No hidden or empty spaces.There seemed to be a keypad of sorts, only a couple buttons. "Sergeant," he said, then gestured to it. There was a slot in the back which seamed something could or should be put into. He gestured with the knife to the pad, the slot, and the Asgard symbols. "Looks like we might need an access card or external power source or something. Probably a pretty smart design feature in the event of systems being down or out. We could try to force it, or blow it. You were in demo, right sir?... I mean I'd rather not. I think we can get in decently, but I think I'd like your opinion on it before I do anything, sir." It was a subtle way of saying "if something happens... its not going to be my fault" but he did not say it out loud.