When the guild member with the harp, Kinshiro if she wasn’t wrong in remembering, returned her smile and waved and even approached her, Lola’s shy smile grew into her usual beam. She slid a little to the left and patted the seat next to herself in invitation to which Kinshiro seemed to accept as he sat down. Her book now forgotten yet still opened on the page she had been reading -or at least trying o read- Lola focused her attention on the presence of the young man now next to her. “Morning, uh… Kinshiro. Your harp playing is lovely as always. I-I’m sure that if I wasn’t already in a fairly alright mood, I would be feeling a hundred times better than I otherwise would have been.” She complimented him in her kind yet slightly odd manner. Then Kinshiro asked a question which made her stiffen, life a deer caught in headlights. But upon catching sight of his grin, she sighed. “Oh, is it that obvious?” She queried almost dejectedly, though seconds later laughed at her own silliness. “Indeed, I am awaiting the appearance of a good request. In fact a great request would be even better especially if it pays well. I’ve got a rent payment due very soon.” Came her explanation as she gave up on her secretive plan on getting the first view of the new jobs which would be placed up in about 10 minutes by the Council Representative. Speaking of which, the doors of the guild opened once more and since she knew who it would be, Lola refrained from bidding the person a good morning. “He’s here.” She whispered, pointing out the rather obvious to Kinshiro who could clearly see exactly who it was. Council Representative [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/216/1/f/titus_scarnetti_by_akeiron-d59tmk4.jpg]Fendron[/url]. Freezing cold eyes roved around the guild hall stalling momentarily on each FairyTail member who was currently present. His permanent scowl darkened as he intensely inspected the hall looking for any sign of disobedience to which he would be able to punish. After a few tense moments and finding nothing that could be penalised over, Fendron continued on into the guild closing the door softly behind himself and stopping before the request board, giving the form of a sleeping guild girl quite the sneer before placing up various new requests. Once finished this task he Council Representative gave the guild hall one last once over and then made his way up to the Guild Masters office to have a ‘pleasant' discussion. Lola released the breath she didn’t realised she had been holding and practically ran over to the request board. She wouldn’t be able to take one yet, but she could still see what choices there were to choose from. The very last job notice made her eyes widen with a mix of shock and happiness. “It’s perfect. 4,000 jewels just to deliver supplies.” There were practically stars in her eyes as she said this and while in her reverie, Lola missed noticing the guild doors opening once more and the person closing in on her and the job board. Then suddenly the young lady who she thought was still sleeping, spoke up and sent Lola nearly three feet into the air due to surprise. With a hand over her heart in an attempt to steady it, Lola turned around and looked between the two guild members. “Good mo-morning you two.”