Gwen’s green eyes did not leave the man who was guarding her. The man could feel the anger radiating off of her. “Lyn, please eat. Its not poisoned. You need to keep your strength up.” Her guard was a familiar face to Gwen. He was tall with broad shoulders and a face with deep set lines. His hair was only starting to grey. And he was Matthew, a Queen’s guard and her father’s oath brother. Gwen’s stare only sharpened. “Uncle Matthew please! Be reasonable. You’re a Queen’s guard. Have you no shame to break your oaths to your liege? Queen Louise is a good Queen, why would you do this to her?” “There are some things you don’t understand.” “Please, uncle. Let me go. If you have any love for our Queen show me you are still loyal!” Gwen’s stare broke. She blinked away more tears. She hadn’t shed so many tears in a day since her father’s funeral. “I’ll beg the Queen for her mercy. Please, let me go.” “I can’t do that Lyn.” His voice was still the deep gentle voice she remembered. Gwen could hear the strain in his words. This was the same conversation repeated many times throughout the night. It was dawn now and there was still no change. They sat in silence again, both lost in their own thoughts. It was the screams that caught their attention. The door to the hut was kicked up but Matthew was prepared for a fight. He stopped when he saw the scum with the slick voice. The man only gestured for them to follow and Matthew pulled Gwen up by her arm and half dragged her out. That was when the golden haired girl saw the fire. Bright flames danced across the rooftops of the wooden houses feasting on the homes of the citizens. She flinched from the smoke that blew into her eyes. The winds were strong today and it wouldn’t be long before the fire spread throughout the district. From the corner of her eye she saw Fenrir. It was only for a moment and far away but she was sure it was her familiar. The scum shouted at Matthew to take her somewhere and again Gwen was dragged around, but this time there was a chance for escape. The fire had spread quicker than expected and the townspeople gave up any chance of saving their homes and businesses. They took what they could carry and ran out of the fire’s path. In the ensuing crowd Matthew couldn’t keep a grip on Gwen and that was the chance of her to escape. And she called out to Fenrir through their bonding knowing that the wolf will guide her. She managed to enter an empty intersection. “Lyn!” Out of years of habit she turned around for Matthew’s voice. He held his rapier inscribed with his house seal on the blade. “Go.” He looked like he wanted to say more but he didn’t. Gwen couldn’t help herself from laughing. Maybe it was all that had happened yesterday, but the stress seemed to have finally gotten to her. “Now you let me go?” She marched up to the older man. “You’re coming with me!” And she took his hand and tried to pull him along. “You’re letting me go now, so you’re going with me to see the Queen.” She was quite a bit shorter and smaller than Matthew but she didn’t budge. “I’m sorry Lyn, but I cannot.” Gwen was going to argue when she felt a jerk. The next thing she knew was her being shielded by Matthew’s body. His teeth was gritted in pain as he clutched at his side. Blood seeped through his fingers. An arrow was lodged just above his hip. “She’s not going anywhere.” The scum had another arrow ready on his bow. “Go!” Matthew shouted and pushed Gwen behind him. Just as the other man was about to release the arrow, Fenrir lept and knocked him down. Before anyone could recover from the sudden appearance of the wolf, Fenrir ripped the man’s throat out. The wolf stepped over the corpse and growled at Matthew. Gwen edged around and joined Fenrir. “Get her back to the Academy,” Matthew commanded the wolf. “There’s an attack coming to Unity. Warn everyone.” Fenrir made a motion to leave, but Gwen stopped him by laying a hand on his neck. “You’re coming with us.” “No, I’m not Lyn. There’s still too much I need to do. Now go.” And reluctantly Gwen left her Uncle Matthew standing there surrounded by the burning homes.