Jacob gazed at the red wastes for some time. He occasionally came up here to remind himself why he even bothered with the power plant. It wasn't for a predictable reason like he didn't want to live out there though. He had done so for years. He just didn't want a witch hunt following him across the wastes. That would just be annoying. He stared off into the distance until he heard a commotion down on the Paradise side of the wall. Just as he was glancing over, Ravenia made her way to the top of the wall, calling for the Gatekeeper. A second time on the wall for her was never a good sign, so Jacob immediately tensed up into what he considered his business personality. As expected, Ravenia came calling for him soon after she finished with the Gatekeeper. [b]"Jacob! We are going on strict lock down for the next few days. There will be no lights allowed to be used at night, there may a horde of Dead traveling our way soon and I don't want to bring any unnecessary attention to us. I want you to shut down all outside lights leading into the city, as well. If anybody comes to you with having a problem with this, they will answer to me. Leave the medical center at full power, we will just cover up all of the windows to keep it from lighting up too brightly."[/b], she said. Jacob curtly nodded his head and muttered "As you wish", before climbing back down the wall. Jacob made a break for the plant's control room. And who else was on duty but freaking O'Malley. O'Malley saw him coming in and readied a snarky comment, but was cut off as Jacob started shouting, "Set the plant to city lockdown mode! Cut all power to lights but the ones in medical! Ravenia's orders!" That shut him up, as O'Malley immediately took off for the command console. He started running through the protocols, but suddenly stopped. With a voice of alarm, O'Malley said [b]"Powers, the system is still cycling this morning's jump start! We can't power down! It will be in the system for another 2 hours."[/b] Jacob swore under his breath. There was a fix for this, but it wouldn't be pleasant, least of all for him. "We don't have time. Where is the jump start energy in the system, exactly? I'll siphon it back out." O'Malley tapped a few more keys on the console. [b]"3rd sublevel, section 38. But Powers, that will leave the system destabilized for the next hour. Power will be all over the place."[/b] Jacob was already running out the door, as he called back "Then triage accordingly. Nonessential systems will be down for the lock-down anyway. It shouldn't be too hard." Jacob arrived at the section of the grid the jump start was passing through. Green energy was shooting down various pipes and cables. Jacob through off his gloves, and grabbed the connection cable that led energy to the next section, and braced himself. As the green energy reached his glowing hands, Jacob sucked it back into his body. Enough energy had been pumped in to make the process painful, however, so Jacob cried out in pain as he absorbed the radiation. When he finished, Jacob staggered back, and felt his side. One big lump of a tumor now resided there, lightly pushing against his clothes. Jacob hit the intercom that led to the control room. "O'Malley, the jump-start was siphoned out. Go to lock down. I'm heading back to the wall to help with potential defense." With that, Jacob put his lead lined jacket and gloves back on, and ran for the exit. Jacob returned to the wall to find that the gates had already closed. Everything was going according to plan. He climbed back up the wall to find Ravenia still there, along with Tobias, the doctor, Ramera, and Marcus, the gatekeeper. He spoke directly to Ravenia, saying "I have set the plant to city lock-down mode, but there was a complication in powering down. The power grid might be a bit unstable for the next hour, but with the lights off it shouldn't be too much of an issue.