Sirius ignored the walking box of bolts and listened to Harvin instead. His gun-ho attitude will probably get him killed one day. He's still alive now because of that A.I. of his. "Let's get this over with. Thalos, you will be joining the walking Jukebox..." Stated the Tylon as he shouldered his weapon, ready to fire it. "Fantastic..." Muttered the space pirate, quickly moving beside Alexis and settling down next to him. Korvekt moved a little further along the wall of the warehouse until Lt. Daryc was visible, hoping Harvin folled him. He raised his weapon and aimed. "We fire on my mark..." He waited, just a few moments as his aim steadied itself. "Now!" He pulled the trigger, unleashing an unstoppable barrage of scorching, flesh melting plasma directly at the enemy.