With something of a sigh, Magus watched as the group laid into each other as differing ideologies and old hatreds smashed into each other like a run away cart into a wall. Looking around for an old, long abandoned tombstone that no one would really care about if something were to happen to it. Taking one last glance towards the growing argument, Magus raised a gloved hand... And then the tombstone exploded. Those who had been to engrossed in their own little world to pay attention to Magus would simply hear the loud noise of a stone being violently smashed. Those that were paying attention to the world around them would notice what appeared to be a dark ball of magic gathering around the palm of the robed man's gloved hand before he pushed it, causing it to fly like an arrow before striking its target in the old, worn stone and causing it to explode as if it had been hit by a large hammer before wielded by one of the darknuts present. While those who witnessed it would be able to tell that it was clearly some sort of dark magic being wielded, only two beings present would have any idea of its true nature. This wasn't just some fancy hair trick, this was the [i]old[/i] magic of the Twili; The magic created in the dawn of the world by those who envied the ones who horded the blessing of the Goddesses for themselves. Well aware that if the usage of magic didn't bring about silence the sound of exploding tombstone would, Magus turned towards the group as if he was pleasantly surprised to have their attention. "[i][b]Oh I'm sorry, I just decided that I would get some practice in while you all carried on with your no doubt meaningful discussions. Since you all seem to have wrapped that up, I'm sure that all of you are willing to continue hearing Lethe out.[/i][/b]" Turning his hooded gaze towards the fairy in question he politely nodded his head as a sign that he was surrendering the stage to her once again.