A) Stay put until something happens. Ansel scanned the sea of children and shuffled his feet. He wasn't really the social type... Or at least he didn't like initiating conversation. He felt it wasn't his duty and normally wouldn't talk to anyone unless they talked to him, unless he asked a question, it would usually open a conversation. When that happened, he didn't really mind. He just knew he was happy to be here, though quite nervous. Looking around, he didn't see anyone he might've known, though what are the odds of that ever happening? His gaze shifted towards the smallish building. There had to be more to it, right? Ansel squeezed his way through the various body masses, big and small, to try and make his way towards the front, trying not to accidentally get shoved along the way. Upon arrival in the front, he happened to step on another boy's foot, rather harshly since the boy yelled. "Ow!!" "Sorry," Ansel nonchalantly said before returning his attentions towards the building, looking around for any approaching figures. He was excellent at concealing his excitement and anticipation.