[quote=Komamisa] Ah, random question, in the character sheets, do you have any issues with manga-style art? I ask ahead of time so I can plan my appearance section accordingly.Which leads me to a thought (pardon the following mess): in some Eastern lore, ancestral spirits for some bloodlines occasionally garner enough power/prestige to be considered as minor guardian deities (even as "minor" deities, this still implies a certain amount of power exceeding that of lesser demons), usually having to do with burial and rites traditions, along with a historical connection with the supernatural. I might be looking into it too much, but as a tie-in with Necromancy, could that mean beginner-level Ouramancers might be able to act as spiritual mediums for their bloodline's ancestors, should their history be strong enough; would those strong familial traditions/connections in mysticism affect their chances of being born with an Ouramancer's ability? [/quote] . . . Color me impressed. Right on the mark there. That's exactly what Ouramancers are hired for, and yes, that is generally were the talent for Ouramancy comes from. In a way, reading into things is the name of the game for this RP. Speaking of which, I'm almost done with the preliminary set-ups. Now I just have to decide how many people get in. And no, I have no problems with Manga-style art (you're talking to a part-time mangaka xD)