Name: Isak Rokkvison Age: 22 Gender: M Fears: Being lost, being in situations out of his control, confined spaces, unusual insects Position: Navigator Personality: Isak was born to be a navigator. Everything about him yearned for adventure. He is a bit absent-minded at times and isn't very sensitive to others' feelings or emotions, preferring to focus on the concrete details of a situation. He takes his work serious but handles stress well and doesn't get overworked easily. In his time off, he likes to be lazy, sit on the deck and watch the sky or the waves and daydream. Isak is attuned to colder climates, as he was an immigrant from Iceland. Isak keeps his distance from new people, but once he warms up to them, loves to converse for hours on end about just about any topic. Pic/Description: [img=] Other: Isak has an excellent memory and a great sense of direction.