- Robert O'Brian. - 15 - (I have no fucking idea what grades are.) - Tribute Summon [hider=Appearance][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/id/f/f4/Lockon-06-animestocks-com--1-.jpg[/img] Ginger hair.[/hider] - A Pagan that worships mother earth. He's generally a friendly sort, but it's when he's in the heat of duel that his spirit sets ablaze and his passion melts any ice that might be around. When the seal goes off, his passion dies down into a quiet calm that allows him to think straight and plan his moves carefully. He see's it as the seal transfering his passion to his monsters. He is also prone to bursting into song, and is proud of being a "Galway boy" [hider=March of the Monarchs] Monsters: 17 Beast King Barbaros x2 Dandylion Majiosheldon x3 Caius the Shadow Monarch Granmarg the Rock Monarch Granmarg the Mega Monarch Mobius the Frost Monarch Mobius the Mega Monarch Raiza the Storm Monarch Raiza the Mega Monarch Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch Thestalos the Mega Monarch Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Zaborg the Mega Monarch Spells: 14 Seal of Orichalcos March of the Monarchs x2 The Monarchs Stormforth x3 Return of the Monarchs x2 Reinforcement of the Army x2 Double Summon x2 Terraforming x3 Traps: 11 Escalation of the Monarchs x3 Monarchs Erupt x3 Monarchs Awaken x2 The First Monarch x3[/hider] - Other Details: His father is a wrestler. ****************************************** - Minerva O'Brian - 16 - (Still no idea what a grade is) - Synchro Summoning [hider=][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_ERbMsN5b5mk/TVlcqizsXVI/AAAAAAAACQ0/ckqXvSPVZFA/s512/Risty%2032.jpg[/img] (Wears standard school uniform)[/hider] - Dominating and proud of her impressive bust, she spends most of her time playing a game called "How to embarrass Robert as much as humanly possible" That being said, men making advances on her, figuring her to be "Easy" will find themselves sorely mistaken, especially when she puts them into a Sharpshooter until they either tap out, or pass out. She is the schools wrestling champion as well as their boxing champion. She is physically dominating woman. [hider=Of gods and men]Monsters: 21 Garmr of the Nordic Beasts x2 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts x2 Tanngjostr of the Nordic Beasts x2 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts x3 Dverg of the Nordic Alfar x2 Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar x2 Mara of the Nordic Alfar x2 Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant x2 Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant x2 Tyr if the Nordic Champions Spells: 7 March Towards Ragnarok x2 Nordic Relic Draupnir x2 Foolish Burial Mound of the Bound Creator x2 Traps: 14 Nordic Relic Megingjord x2 Nordic Relic Laevanteinn x3 Nordic Relic Gungnir x3 Nordic Relic Brisingamen x2 Bottomless Trap Hole Gliephnir, Feathers of Fenrir x3[/hider] Extra: Thor, Lord of the Aesir Loki, Lord of the Aesir Odin, Lord of the Aesir [/hider] - Other Details: Minerva is a woman that is proud of her muscles, don't not notice them, it might be a mistake you won't live to regret.