[quote=VATROU] I've never played a D&D RP. I've always thought it was interesting, but seeing as I don't know any groups where I live I just stuck to Post by Post. Though a RPer made a RPG Ruleset for a Fallout RP I was in. That was Awesome. [/quote] Certain systems (like the 3e system from D&D) work decently for non-publisher material. It was fairly popular because essentially anyone could make up a game based on 3e's system for their story, universe, setting, etc. Sure you can do that as is, but people were able to make money off of it. 3.5e (and 3e) suffered heavy imbalance issues (if you don't have spells or abilities that can almost mimic spells, you're worthless at high levels) and most non-WotC material carried on those flaws. I still love the system though as its flexibility and customization is incredible. 5e actually would work fairly well outside of a table top; sure you can Play by Post D&D already, but 5e's mechanics are much, much more forgiving; they're less crunchy, complex or map centric.