[hider=Zal] Primary or Supporting (Please state whether your character is your primary, or supporting character at the top of each CS.) Name: Zalrinus 'Zal' Age: 300 Race: S'ilthra Gender: Male Class: Spellsword Background: Sish was born in the Black Swamp, and was taught to control his magic, by his parents, as soon as he showed signs of using it. Basic control, nothing more. To learn more he'd have to go to others. And that's what he did. But rather than go to the usual trainers, he went to the darker corners of the Black Swamp. To those S'ilthra who gave rise to the myths and legends of the race being well versed in Dark Magic. It wasn't out of any desire for power, or malicious intent. It was simply that Dark Magic wasn't used, much and was spoken of in whispers. He wanted to know more about it, to know how to use it. So he went to them, learned from them. It took years to learn from them all, and by then he was tired of the Black Swamp. There had to be more out there, right? So he took to wandering, left the Swamp and the Dark Forest. For centuries, he wandered, exploring the world, trying to find her secrets. It was in the process of this exploration that he got his scar, sword, amulet, and dagger. He was in the Blue Mountains, wandering, when he came across a cave. Curiosity overcame him and he entered, using a small ball of flames to light the way. The wind stirred through the cavern, making the flames flicker. All around him he could see more and more signs of..well, treasure. Gold, gems, swords, shields, axes. You name it, this cave seemed to have it. Zal was so caught up in staring at the wonders around him that he didn't notice the golden wall he was walking towards until he ran smack into it. Zal stumbled backwards, managed to regain his balance, and looked forward to see a large golden eye staring at him. A dragon. He had walked into a dragon's lair. Before he could beat a retreat, or at least try, the Dragon made him a deal. It wouldn't kill him, and even allow him to take objects from it's horde, if Zal could answer four riddles. An object a riddle. If Zal got a riddle wrong, or ran out of time, the Dragon took something from him. Seeing an opportunity not to die at the relatively young age of 299, Zal accepted the deal. He answered the first one quick enough, and got his sword. The second one took longer, but he still got it in time, and took his amulet. The third one he timed out on...and the dragon stretched forward one claw and took Zal's eye, healing the wound as it did so. After all, it couldn't have Zal bleeding or blacking out before the game was finished, could it? Zal barely got the fourth riddle in time, and he took his dagger and ran from the cave like death itself was on his heels. Which, technically it could have been. Roughly a week or so afterwards, [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oWPXbXuZRGA/UOJ97lAeQJI/AAAAAAAAEGU/skSIr3ZuXKE/s1600/brindle%2Bdane.jpg]Sid[/url] showed up. Since the dog insisted upon following him, no matter what Zal did, he finally gave up and accepted it's presence, naming and eventually becoming affectionate of the hound. Another year passed, and he was chased down by an Angardian messenger, for whatever odd reason. One short journey and an explanation later, he was in a party with two elves, a witch, an Angardian, a Rakasha, going to play diplomat with the Cherods...before, you know, they got sidetracked helping out a [i]tree[/i]. Appearance: [img=http://images5.alphacoders.com/321/321950.png] Standing at 7feet 3inches, Zal generally towers over most of those he meets. There is a large scar going down his left eye, making him blind on his left side, and his robes are covered in sewn tears and holes, where bandits have failed to understand just how useful Zal's scales are at keeping him alive, or where he wasn't paying enough attention when wandering the woodlands. While he does have horns, he doesn't have wings. As far as he knows. His only horns are those along his jaw, and the ones along his eyebrows. Because any more would just look silly, wouldn't they? He, like most of his race, doesn't wear any shoes because A) His scales protect him from the dangers of the road, and B) There are no shoes in existence made to handle lizard feet. Zal's practical. To a callous point. If the bandits hadn't pissed him off by abducting him in his sleep, not to mention whacking him on the head with a club, and they weren't apparently doing the bidding of a tree, he would have voted they leave the village to it's fate. Their small group against a fairly size able group of bandits? What did the tree expect them to do? Ask the bandits to leave nicely? As for the captives...he wouldn't actively go seeking to cause as much damage and mayhem as possible, but if they got killed in the crossfire, he wouldn't lose and sleep over it. On the flip side, he does actually care for his allies, even if they've been thrown upon him and have a tendency to make deals with trees. Speaking of trees...Zal is distrusts and is generally extremely uncomfortable around anything much, much larger than him. Like a Dragon. Or an Ent. Given that his last experience with something of that size caused him to lose his eye, can anyone really blame him? His fighting style is also very..violent. Whether it's because of his training in Dark Magics or a it's a part of Zal that he represses, he tends to leave carnage and wrecked remains of his opponents behind. He also doesn't fight fair. At all. He will take any and all advantages given to him, whether they're considered honorable or not. When it's life and death, people who do anything to win tend to live longer than those who cling to honor in the face of everything. Though Zal grumbles and grips at Sid often, he cares about the Dog a lot. Sid is, after all, his only constant companion in a year of straight wandering. He would have killed the Sid by now if he truly hated him. Equipment: [url=http://www.medievalimports.com/medieval-falchion-swords-300.png]Dragon Sword[/url]: The Sword he collected from the Dragon's lair. Transfers energy to his amulet with each life it takes. Made of steel. Can be used as a wand. [url=http://www.evanhunt.com/The%20Art%20of%20Evan%20Hunt/Gallery/Paintings/Dragon-Tooth%20Dagger.jpg]Dragon Tooth Dagger[/url]: The Dagger he collected from the Dragon's lair. Can glow with an inner light, and always returns to the hand of it's last blooded owner. In this case, Zal. [url=http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/143001-144000/143540/802_max.jpg]Amulet[/url]: Amulet he collected from the Dragon's lair. Acts an alternative pool of magic, and is refilled by the sword. Armor wise, he has his scales and his robes. Misc: A small leather bag filled with useless knicks and knacks Zal found interesting in his travels. Most notably, a small supply of Burroot. Magic(where he learned explained in Background): [i]Eviscerate[/i]:With a word, Zal creates a spectral dagger that disembowels his opponent. [i]Impale[/i]: A spectral spear rises from the ground and impales an enemy(where varies) briefly. [i]Nerve Fry[/i]: Zal sends excruciating pain through his opponents nervous system where he touches. [i]Buckle[/i]: Bone, armor, what have you buckles beneath Zal's touch. The sturdier the object the more power the spell requires. [i]Elemental Bolt[/i]: Zal can throw elements, be it fire, water, earth, or air. Sometimes mixing two or more. [i]Hunger of the Pack[/i]: Zal creates a Pack(Six) of spectral wolves that swarm and maul an opponent before disappearing. [i]Life Drain[/i]: Zal drains the life energy of another(or himself) to heal his wounds or an ally's wounds.(Has to be touching) [i]Possession/Summons[/i]: If it's his own blade, he summons it back to his own hand. If it's another's weapon, he turns it against them. [i]Beam of light[/i]: Intensity varies. It can go from simply blinding, to burning and lethal. Other Tidbits: [/hider]