[b]Sandy Shores[/b] Yuuki looked at Balsamo, thinking carefully while she spoke. "Tell your troops to attack in ten hours. Antarctic soldiers can be there at the same time if we bring them in via aircraft." She began to pace around the room. "You know, I've been thinking about using Protocol 581. When we made contact with the Commonwealth, we realized how alien our technology seems. We prepared a viable invasion protocol for attacking America, we planned to use exclusively plasma aircraft, use cityspeak, and send in all ground troops with the pale skin of Caucasian city dwellers wearing these." She held up two incredibly detailed fake ears, elongated and apparently made to fit in a way that would make them stick out horizontally. While they looked like something out of a LARPing session, they would definitely look realistic if actually worn. "Call them silly all you want, but it would take a dissection to figure out that these aren't actual ears. Anyone without the pale skin would wear normal face-concealing combat gear, to give the impression that there are multiple species working together. The Empire would think aliens were attacking, and that means they would think us Antarcticans have the ability to travel between the stars. The idea that aliens were working with rebels for ideological reasons would become accepted, because they would have no other explanation. If you're with us on this, then I'll order the attack preparations. If not, I'll order a conventional attack whenever you want. You know, you could even go so far as to tell this radio station of yours to 'inform' the protesters of your 'alien allies'. Of course, lying to your own people to make them attack is probably not the most ethical thing to do. Just remember, whatever choice you make, we'll support it." Suddenly, an Antarctican air force officer ran into the room. "Drone squadrons QP-01 through QP-010 have begun attacks on Fort Irwin, Commander!" "Ah. Yes. I have taken the liberty of dispatching a flight of aircraft to a military base in California, following Protocol 581. No matter your decision, the attack should make the Empire believe California to be the main target. I do hope you do not find this rash, our strategists believe it is the best course of action. I was just about to inform you." [b]Fort Irwin, California[/b] AA fire lit up the sky over Fort Irwin, targeting strange aircraft performing extremely high-g maneuvers physically impossible for a normal aircraft above the base. They were firing railgun shells and high-power lasers towards the base, hitting the defenses with great precision. The aircraft looked like something right out of pulp sci-fi, flying saucers surrounded in a shield of blue plasma. A transmission was sent from one of the craft, not only to the base, but to the whole area. The pale face of the speaker appeared, with long and pointy ears sticking out horizontally. He looked somewhat close to a human, but the words didn't seem human. "Yoiio lá männisokoriin. Yoiio jiiěfànnii männisokoriin." He said. He continued on, saying the very next word slowly, but still butchering the pronunciation. "So-cheel-ee-zim. So-cheel-ee-zim yoio. jiiěfànnii... ah-mer-ee-chah.