Hi! If you're willing to play canons opposite OCs for the fandoms mentioned in the title, I'd love to work something out with you. I'm willing to double as any canon from these fandoms, be it in the same thread or not. I'm also willing to roleplay over PMs, if my partner would prefer. I enjoy all pairing types. My post length varies quite a bit, but I will always respond with at least one decently sized paragraph. The canons I want to have played for me are listed below. If any interest is shown, we can discuss the details in PMs. [M]- OC will be male [F]- OC will be female Harry Potter: Hermione[M] Luna[F] Bellatrix[F] Severus[F] Lucius[F] Draco[F] Neville[M] Sherlock: Sherlock[F] Mycroft[M] Greg[M] Molly[M] Irene[F] Doctor Who: Nine[F] Rose[M] TenToo[F] Rory[F] Twelve[F] Orphan Black: Felix[M] Sarah[M] Cosima[F] Delphine[M]