The days had past and the user had become active once more on his forum. Reed growled a little, the fingers grasping the cardboard cup of coffee shaking. He looked at the messages the blank user account sent through the forum. Pictures of a girl...Maria...from all around the campus. They were all recent, the exif data matching showing they came from multiple points over the year. Reed's brows furrowed. He knew that those late nights earning a few extra bucks by scouring sites, drives and phones of evidence was practice for something. He pulled the site down, sending a message off to the members of his site claiming a DDoS attack, and proceeded to look over the data of the pictures. It amazed Reed to this day that someone could be two varying aspects of a personality. Reed was only ever Reed, the tech head that everyone went to for IT problems. Yet here was Maria, photos of her good grades and photos of her half naked and drunk at some frat party. The lines on Reed's forehead deepened as the waitress walked over. Why this particular girl...unless... "Need more?" She looked pointedly at the now emptied cup of coffee. Reed smiled and nodded "please" his face relaxed when he realized he was not at home. He pulled up Lisa's contact again for the second time this week. "[I] Hey...that creep on the site was posting pics of your friend, Maria. Better talk to her [/I]" The waitress returned with his cup of coffee and he smiled once more, leaving a small tip on the table before standing and leaving the cafe. He had the sinking feeling that the blank account that posted over his site was the cause of this disturbance. He shuddered gently and pulled out his phone once more. He knew a certain detective would know what's happening and dialed his private number. He smiled slightly at the memories of the last run in he had with Nash, his 'extra curricular' activities as a grey hat having caused some fuss in the city. "Detective Nash...what's happening at the campus? My site was just filled with hate speech for a Maria Todd and an account saying she deserved what she posted some pretty fucked up photos from her personal camera" the words spilled from Reed's mouth. He was slightly excited. He always wanted to be a detective...maybe he could help.