Thane's arm had been thoroughly wrapped and the song he was dancing around to like an idiot had just cut off, the next song on his playlist, another Bowie song from the Ziggy era beginning to spill out. "Oh, shut up Ziggy," Thane sighed, thumbing the power button, the song cutting off abruptly. Silence flooded the recently loud room, the silence itself louder than the noise. Silence had always been all encompassing for Thane, it made him go mad. It made him think of the dark void of death that his arm was the key to. The silence rarely lasted long in this camp and that was one of the few things he had come to appreciate about this place. Erin's goofy cat was purring up a storm, content with Thane's presence. The voices of campers trickled in from beyond the door, Erin's standing out distinctly. "Guess I should head back out, huh?" Thane asked, looking toward the cat who was either sagely nodding or simply nodding off to sleep. Thane chose to believe the former and made his way toward the door, giving the cat a poke to its exposed tummy as he passed by, feeling a paw bat as his hand as he opened the door, stepping back out. "[i]Don't even think of saying a word...[/i]" Erin said, drawing a small grin from Thane who couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a little teasing. "Don't say anything about trying to send kids to Tartarus?" Thane asked as he stepped behind her, his hands knuckle deep into his pockets, his thumbs hanging out. His grin quickly faded as he looked back across the crowd, noticing the Ares boy walk away from his cousin, as well as her cheeks which now closer matched the colour of her hair. He wouldn't say anything to her about it. It wasn't his place, but it still bugged the very loving hell out of him seeing his only living family member set herself up for disaster. A new camper heading towards the Morpheus dorm caught Thane's eyes, giving him a small rush of excitement at having a new family member. Thane's mind began to race, '[i]Perhaps we'll be able to hit it off. It'd be great to finally have a male family member, someone to talk to abou- Is he? No. Really? [b]Really?[/b] He's staring at his sister's ass. I've never been one for parricide, though this new guy's making quite the case for it.[/i]' Thane's momentary bloodlust was lost when the oh so familiar voice of Astrid caught his attention, reminding him that there were plenty of people in this world to not be particularly fond of. Her comment toward Syleste reminded him of why he wasn't fond of her. She was always so quick to talk without thinking, even quicker to speak before knowing what she spoke of. Almost counter-intuitive, her being a daughter of Hephaestus and all. "I pity the fresh blood," Thane sighed, his voice the vocal embodiment of lethargy, as he stepped over toward the pile of swords, bringing a foot down on the nearest blade, "Not even they deserve such poorly crafted paperweights." Thane bent over, picking one up, rotating the blade by the grip before plunging the blade down into the dirt, "It has a hard enough time piercing the dirt." Thane shrugged, turning toward Erin and the son of Hephaestus. "Perhaps one day she'll pick up on either the technical or social skills of yours," He spoke softly, meaning to force Astrid to listen to his final jab. He didn't expect Nick to react poorly to his comment, because Nick was at least familiar with Thane's demeanor by now. Thane had always had a certain admiration for Nick, not due to his ability to live without use of his legs, but for his passion in the art of creation. He chose to say no more, returning to his place behind Erin. They place he felt most comfortable while the sun bore down on him.