Astrids easy going attitude dropped like a rock with Thanes remark, as well her mouth. "Shoddy-, Shoddy fucking paperweights!" A small flame flickered through her hair in her anger, "You didn't just call my blades shoddy god damn fucking paperweights!" Reaching down to pick up a blade she pointed it towards Thane, "The blades a nearly perfect, celestial bronze, and sharp as a god damn razor. I would know I've cut myself on them plenty of times." Trying to think of a way to prove her point, Astrid reached back an arm and with perfect aim threw the blade towards Thain's cabin. It quivered as it stuck out of the door. The throw had not been quiet perfect on her part, but she had mostly practiced throwing a spear instead of a sword. "You tell me if that's a fucking paperweight."