[quote=Jorick] Raise post character limit past the current 65535 cap, perhaps to a round 100,000 Mahz response: Can't be easily done right now due to site architecture, but Mahz said he would like to do so. [/quote] Hmm, just tossing this out there. I have NO idea how Mahz has it set up on the backend, but I just wanted to take a minute to toss a possible solution to this. Assuming Mahz is using a MySQL database (not sure about the other ones, all my database work is with MySQL) he might could change the field for the text from a type of "TEXT" to a type of "MEDIUMTEXT" technically raising the storage limit of that field from 65,535 bytes (~16KB) to 16,777,215 bytes (~16MB) he could then write some nice code to cap the text box at 100,000 characters or whatever amount he wanted, or even leave it so people could write up to 16,777,215 characters (I am thinking of you advanced writers that like to write novels for a post xD). Anyways again its just a thought.