[hider=Kazuya][img]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss129/Aisulove/Vocaloid/Luke.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Tanaka Kazuya Age: 17 Personality: Smooth and confident, he has a foolproof self esteem and is openly gay, often flirting with 'cute kouhai' he find in his travel. He is a friendly and loyal individual with an horrible attention span and a tendency to say the most outrageous things out loud. He and Rise have a brother/sister relationship, and though they have vastly different tastes in boys, they routinely make 'boys nights' at each other's current home to make comment about their coworker and use various beauty product while watching the gossip news. Short Bio: It was Kazuya that became an Idol first, encouraging Rise to join him and making the foundation of her Risette personality with his Kazue one, which is darker than his usual self, making for a nice duo that is the rave of fans all over Japan. He love his job, and his life, but a bit too much of failed relationship and scandals had him leave for calmer pastures with his bet friend when she started to crack under the stress of showbiz. Persona: Jingu (Who is presumed to be the same woman as Himiko) Arcana: Lovers (He is attached to the hip to Rise, and will only detach if either one is romanced with the approval of the other.) --- [hider=Hinata][img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1253/sample_e8a973297e86daa1075c2728dd5c00788f48f217.png?1306393[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Sorami Mayu [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Personality:[/b] An incredibly quiet girl, Mayu hates being the center of attention. She would rather sit off in the sidelines, reading a good book or practicing her calligraphy, than be the talk of the town. However, her family is quite famous in Inaba for good [i]and[/i] bad reasons. Because of the recent scandals and gossips circling around her family, Mayu has had to become the perfect child in order to maintain some positive reputation in Inaba. She always thinks of other people before herself, even taking her own desires and wants out of the picture when deciding on something. She has an unhealthy desire of making other people happy because of her fear of people hating her. This trait of hers has made her the subject of bullying at her school. Even though she can fight them off, Mayu is too timid to stand up for herself. Mayu's background has also given her excellent reflexes which sometimes comes out when she is not paying attention. Deep in her heart, Mayu detests her fighting abilities. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Mayu's family has run the famous Sorami Dojo for almost a century but it has fallen into hard times with the number of students decreasing each year. As a child, Mayu was trained alongside her older brother and sister in the art of fighting under the watchful eye of their strict father. Their father's rigid training methods left little time to play, socialize, or be normal children. Mayu's older brother was the first to rebel and left the family when she was seven. Training became much harder as their father focused all his attention on her and her older sister but Mayu still knew there was no way she'd be inheriting the dojo. At the start of Mayu's final year of middle school, her sister finally snapped when their father suddenly announced giving her away in marriage to another family-owned dojo. Mayu's sister packed up her things and left for the same city where her brother lived, leaving Mayu all by herself. Mayu reluctantly took her sister's place in the arranged marriage but luckily did not have to go through with it when her siblings came back home months later at the request of their sick mother. After a huge argument, her father finally saw the error of his ways and agreed to release Mayu from the arranged marriage. Although he has given his blessing to allow all his children to follow their own paths, Mayu cannot shake the need to follow her father's dream in becoming the heir. She is torn between her family's needs and her own, undiscovered dreams. [b]Persona:[/b] Kaguya-hime [b]Arcana:[/b] The Moon [b]Weapon:[/b] Staff