[img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10622351/Projects/RP%20ART/LeakingWorlds/Signatures/Rika%20Haruyomi%20%5Bshanghai%5D.png[/img] [b]"hm yeah, I'm Rika."[/b] She replied with a smile before pouting a little, [b]"and I won't go too far, not alone at least... I was just... exploring... aw.. hm... Tsuki-chan... right? right."[/b], She confirmed her own question turning her small pout back into a smile, and while the hall was interesting in its own right, all the spots of paint in the floor and the sheer smell of fresh paint around the area was starting to make her a little light headed. [b]"hmmm It doesn't look like the rest decided to follow us... what do you want to do Tsuki-chan... do we try to find them? or..."[/b] Rika smiled looking at the other end of the hall, [b]"do we explore ahead and see who can find the girl sooner?"[/b] For Rika things were just a game, one where they have to be careful, but she thought that so long as they wouldn't touch any paintings, everything would be fine. She thought that even if someone did touched one the most the owner of the gallery would do was expel them back to the classroom...