No one. Of course, there's no one outside. Not when sirens are liable to drag you to the lake. The mayor wasn't hard to find at all. While she had initially followed the group, after the unsatisfactory answers the mayor gave her Mado had instead tailed him. Even the gentleman was rather perplexed by the mayor. "Tis as if he does not care or is utterly ignorant to what detective work really is." "What is it really?" "I.. What? Well, firstly, we have to establish who the suspects are, and what their motives are. What we do have is this girl who was drowned after being accused of being a witch." He puffed on his pipe, blowing out a large O shape and blew another smaller line through it. "Then that girl is our lead. Firstly, who reported her of witchcraft? That one is extremely important, for it begs the question of how. How did that person know she was practicing witchcraft? From there, now we have two suspects and different motives. If it was truly the drowned girl, then the most obvious motive is revenge. And that other person who reported it? He or she may be practicing magic themselves, and thus needed a scapegoat for whatever reason, like drawing attention away from themselves. Thus, that person may still be operating, utilizing the drowned girl's legend to blame for all the strange happenings. Hmm... but all that hinges on either sirens being created by vengeful spirits..." " that means we need more info?" The gentleman pointed his pipe at Mado. "Exactly." After tailing the mayor, and avoiding Serenade by hiding in a large pot which somehow worked though she didn't quite manage to get her head inside, she quietly slipped in the mayor's office. By jumping though a glass window. "Sushi or sashimi?" "No, no, my dear. The question was 'what else do you know about the drowning?'" Mado stood up straight and pointed the knife at the Mayor. "Tell me what you know about the drowning, or be turned to a dish of your choice." "Close enough."