Before the apocalypse you were royalty, people of highest importance, princes and princesses, sons and daughters of billionaires, but now the world is different, it ended. The walkers took over the entirety of the US and most of the rest of the world, you've heard of a sanctuary in Alaska, you have to make your way from the border between Idaho and Canada. How did you get in this mess? Your parents were called to a conference, and this boring company decided it would be a good idea to have a talk show with all the most important kids in the world, then things went to hell, luckily the recording studio was in the middle of nowhere when it happened, your location had to be kept secret for safety reasons, you and several other royals and billionaire kids made it to the border, some people got bit along the way, some people got unstable, but most made it to the border. Royalty and riches mean nothing in an apocalypse, how will you fare? Either that or you were born as a regular person of non royalty, a regular person with a regular life, yet it was torn apart by very non-regular walkers. You managed to survive on your own for a while, and met up with a group of royal people and rich people, you might think they're snobs, you might think they're not, but one thing is for sure. You must survive. Rules: 2 characters each This is alternate universe, where current queens and kings in the real world aren't here, feel free to play around with monarchies as well, you can have a prince of the US or a princess of Ireland, not every country has royalty, but I'm fine with most, just don't have half the people making Royalty of the US. Getting bitten and killed is incredibly likely, expect it at any corner, a simple thing like forgetting to mention you smeared walker guts on you while you walked into the horde will get you killed, remember to double check your post if you want to live. No godmoding or mary sues. If you have read the rules, put 'the russian royal family are haemophilliacs' in your form. The way languages should work in this is this way, say you have a character who speaks russian, you'd say "I don't think we can trust this person" It's a useful tool to let other people know something you don't want some people to know, everyone has the ability to speak english and the language that's from their country, you can also have some extra, lets say if you were a bookworm you might be able to speak three or four languages, but if you were a brute who didn't know much you might just speak your own language and broken english. Form: Name: Age: Gender: Royalty or rich kid, or regular citizen?: If Royalty, what country: Appearance: Personality: Languages: Weapons: Strengths: Weaknesses: Height: History: Other: ~ Accepted Characters ~