[quote=Leos Klien][/quote] How about we have the best of both worlds? Say the Amulians came from the same genetic strain as humans up until the a few generations before the homosapiens, but had a different mutation that lead to more superior attributes in someway, so the genes had a better chance of adaptation. But because of this the pre-Amulians learned to quickly work in tune with nature and the other inhabitants. Then when the pre-homosapiens started running around with clubs and spears, so the Amulians hid underground, preferring to advance themselves in a new environment than fight off the more primitive species. The two evolutionary strains split, and with the Amulians living under ground they had a higher levels of radiation and so their bodies mutated faster - it was rickety for a while, but eventually the weaker strains were wiped out and there you have your super-human Amulian species (Please don’t interogate out the massive flaws in genetics and physics that are in this background, I’m pretty much making this up from my very old and limited highschool lessons). Also, that they didn’t lose their eyesight because they found ways of filtering in the sun due to agriculture and farming that they had already primitively developed? (running out of steam with this now…) And finally that their defensive powers are due to both technology and biology, and that over many decades they’ve found ways of augmenting powers in those with the predisposition for it. They started introducing the drugs to the young and over the generations the three primary defenses of invisibility, flight and teleportation have formed in all of the population. I hope this helps to give a little more depth? Also, I hope I haven't trodden on any toes, I have merely let my thoughts spiral with this one. [quote=deadlyfairy13][/quote] Ah cool, I was just checking :) I'm figuring I'm going to have a human character anyways. I'll hopefully have a post up over the weekend.